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Web Design 3.0 Is Here: Are You Ready For The Transformation?

  • Saptarshi Halder
  • Apr 06,2021
  • 12 minutes read
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The world of the web is evolving, and web 3.0 is here to reconstruct online business success metrics. And if you are wondering what is web 3.0, then this piece is just for you.

The web as we experience today is known as web 2.0, aka, the social web. It enables us to consume content from various sources, and then create our own content for the others out there. It is an open conversation between us and the world out there. And in this conversation both sides able to speak to each other freely.

However, a revolution is on the way. Foregoing the search and data-related challenges of web 2.0, there’s a new web that’s knocking on the door. If we do the comparison of web 2.0 vs web 3.0, we’ll see that the latter promises a smarter, fairer, and smoother web experience to the users.

But what do these promises mean for your business website?

1. History Of Web Transformation

To design websites for web 3.0, we must understand what web 3.0 is. And for that, we need to start from the beginning.

Remember the olden websites where all you could do was read texts? Such websites came with minimal graphic and interactive elements. All we could do was to consume the information presented to us, and perhaps share it through limited means. This age of the web is also known as the library web or web 1.0.

craigslist homepage screenshot
Source: craigslist

But after some time web 1.0 was not enough. We wanted a streamlined manner of information sharing, creating our content, and sharing it with the world. We wanted the websites to think about us when crafting content, and designing the website. Demand for personalization, better connectivity, and more interaction took over the internet. And that’s how we got web 2.0, a.k.a, the social web. But now after almost 2 decades, we are ready to transition into the web 3.0 world, and people are already making all kinds of web 2.0 vs web 3.0 comparisons to understand which one is better.

flickr homepage screenshot
Source: flickr

And now the artificial intelligence technologies have pushed us towards the evolution of web 3.0. The term web 3.0, coined first by John Markoff in his 2006 NY times article denotes a new age of the online world. The concept is dominated by the implication of AI and machine learning usage. Additionally, the concept also makes use of p2p networks to provide a transparent user experience.

2. What Is Web 3.0: The Definition

So what is web 3.0 exactly? There may not be a set definition yet. But after considering its parameters, we have created a basic level definition explaining web 3.0 in a nutshell.

“Web 3.0 is an AI/machine learning-driven web that will provide the users with relevant, relatable, and valuable search results based on the context of their search, and not just the keywords. Additionally, This web is also aimed to eliminate data monopoly with the implementation of decentralized systems like blockchain and protect the user data from being misused.”

what is web 3.0

The debate about the current existence of web 3.0 is many. However, there’s one thing no one can disagree on, and that is the future impact of web 3.0 main features on web design. So let’s see what kind of design requirements your website needs to fulfill to fit into a web 3.0 future.

Bonus Read: Looking to convert e-learning website visitors easily? This read on web design ergonomic is all you need!

3. Web 3.0 Design: A Complete Overview

Now there remain one questions that need to be answered-

Is web 3.0 here?

How can your website fit into the new requirements of web 3.0? There are many answers to the first question, some more debatable than others. However, the consensus agrees that web 3.0 is indeed here, but at the very initial stage. The kind of decentralized and semantic web vision is still far from being achieved. But some features are already well implemented within our regular web experience.

As an experienced web design company in New York, we are continuously working to create better and more successful design/development solutions. And that’s how we have unearthed some specific trends that will be necessary for your website’s success in the web 3.0 world. Here’s a comprehensive list of all of them-

A. Designing For An AI-Driven Web

By now, you must know what is web 3.0, and if you do, then you’d know that this concept depends heavily upon the use of AI and machine learning. So it is no wonder that in the future AI is going to have a bigger impact on design.

The aim is to create smoother and frictionless web designs that make the user experience free sailing. To design such a website, we need to begin with the right kind of data and a robust analytics system.

Using AI frameworks, designers and developers in the future will have a better idea of what kind of look and feel the target audience wants from the web 3.0 design trends. Based on various data points such as age, gender, location, profession, and many others, expert design agencies will be able to pinpoint the design requirements. The use of data to design an effective website is already a common practice. But in the future, it will be an industry standard.

what is web 3.0

We cannot speak about AI in web 3.0 website design without touching upon ADI, also known as Artificial Design Intelligence. Considered to be the scourge of web designers worldwide, we believe that ADI will see a boost shortly. But remember, ADI will not replace human designers. it is merely a tool that will streamline the design process.

Expert Thought: ADI systems are not the end for the designers. With ADI, web designers can reduce the amount of repetitive tasks they have to perform enabling them to create truly dynamic web designs that offer a better user experience.

B. Optimizing The Website For Semantic Web

If we are wondering about how will web 3.0 impact business, then we must consider the semantic web.

As web 3.0’s biggest USP, it will provide the users with more contextual search answers than the general keyword-based results. And to succeed in this kind of scenario, your website needs to be optimized well with smart voice search features.

what is semantic web 3.0

For example- when we use the word ‘mustang’ on a search engine we get results mostly related to Ford Mustang, the famous car. But mustang also happens to be an animal. The semantic web will be able to understand the difference of context in the usage of keywords and provide relevant results.

Since the traditional search practices are changing rapidly. The users want the web to understand what they mean with their queries, rather than what their search query means. To accomplish that, our experts suggest using the extensive data sets on the target users, as well as structured data for web design 3.0.

AI-based data analytics features of web technology enable us to focus on the finer details of the end-users, understanding the context of their search activities better. For example, let’s think about an end-user who searches for a budget smartphone online. Having a finer insight into their phone usage, as in what kind of activities they perform the most with their phone will enable search engines to display phones that fit their activity perfectly.

Structured data is expected to be the key to the semantic web later in the future. It is a solution that is used to label data within a piece of content. This labeling practice enables search engines to understand data better and provide more contextual search results.

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C. A Changing Focus On Multimedia Content

To keep up with the smart web, the search habits of the users will change as well. While previously the activity required the users to type out a search query in the browser search box, nowadays it is a lot easier. With simple voice search options, individuals can find what they are looking for online. And as an experienced web design & development company, we aim to match our client’s website content with this search habit accordingly.

From the time of web 2.0, content has been king. For the last couple of years, there has been a visible shift towards multimedia content, and the emergence of web 3.0 is going to accelerate that shift. This is because of three distinctive reasons-

i. To keep up with the voice search trend, the website content needs to be more dynamic, fitting the conversational tone of voice search queries.

ii. Multimedia content will become more important. Since people are always on the go, the web 3.0 design trends are leaning more towards audio and video content that is easy to consume anytime anywhere.

what is web 3.0
Designed by Unified Infotech

iii. Lastly, the ubiquity promised by web 3.0 will lead to more experience-based content on the websites. Since traditional content delivery is not possible through smart IoT devices, your website content must be optimized for an experience-based approach.

One of the many promised advantages of web 3.0 is an efficient web experience. And to fulfill those promises, your website content needs to be optimized perfectly. By using conversational tones, multimedia content, and enhancing the content experience on the website, you can improve consumer interaction on your website.

D. AR/VR Augmentation: Building A Better Web Reality

Those who know the answer to what is web 3.0, also know that AR/VR is going to be the driving force behind its success.

Despite being well known in the design sphere, augmented reality and virtual reality are still not being used enough. However, they will become essential design elements for web design 3.0. This application of AR/VR tech will improve the quality of experience-based interaction and transparency.

what is web 3.0
Designed by Unified Infotech

Whether your website is an up-and-coming eCommerce platform, a B2B vendor, or a lifestyle website- the use of AR/VR is going to take the experience to the next level. The additional piece of technology will enable the users to experience the product or service before they make their purchase. This ability will help them make far better and valuable decisions.

On the other hand, the use of AR/VR will increase the transparency level of user interaction as well. When you give them an early look at a service they are supposed to acquire, they will be more assured of the quality of the service, and its value in their life. With this technology, your web 3.0 website will be better accessible through the internet of things devices.

Bonus Read: Designing your website for foldable phones? Don’t begin your journey without this expert guide!

E. Web 3.0 & Internet Of Things: A Ubiquitous Design

One of the many qualities that distinguish Web 3.0 from the rest is its ubiquity. It is believed that when web 3.0 is finally here, we’ll be able to access the web from any place, anytime.

But we don’t have to wait for that. The ubiquitous aspect of web 3.0 is already here thanks to the internet of things. The connected devices, ranging from our laptops and phones to various household objects already enable us to connect to various services online. And to become part of this connected future, your site design needs to be updated for IoT.

When it comes to designing for IoT 3.0, a lot of the success depends on the user interface. Popular smart devices, such as smart hubs or smartwatches come with limited processing power. So in order to make the platform work on these devices, the user interface needs to be perfectly optimized. A faster and more agile design process coupled with the design best practices will be necessary to create a perfect user interface for it.

Lastly, a lot of IoT concerns are generally associated with the security aspect. Surely, with limited processing power, the device may not be very secure. Keeping that in mind, the partner web design company must take every security measure to ensure that the website doesn’t pose any extra threat to the user’s data security in any way.

F. Chatbots Providing Extensive Semantic Web Support

We have already discussed web 3.0 features like semantic web and its impact on web design. However, there’s another side to creating a semantic experience on the web and that is chatbots.

You probably already have a chatbot on the website, or might be planning to integrate one. Modern chatbots are of higher quality, able to provide plenty of information and help to the users. However, it is nowhere near close to what a human would be able to accomplish. And that’s why during the chatbot integration process, ensure that your partner web design & development company uses the latest technology like GPT-3.

chatbot experience in web 3.0
Designed by Unified Infotech

Generative Pre-trained transformer 3, also known as GPT-3 is an AI tool that has been pre-trained. It means that unlike traditional AI-based chatbots that learn as it goes- this text generation algorithm is already trained with the necessary data. It can create any content that has a language structure. This means that the use of such technology for the chatbot operation on your website will get you closer to making your website fit the web 3.0 standards.

Web 3.0 Is Almost Here, There’s No Time To Wait Anymore!

The answer to what is web 3.0 reveals that in the future, the web will be capable enough to guide us to find the right kind of search results for our queries. The highly sensitive, AI/ML-based web will enable a fairer web experience that is not riddled by the friction of the modern web. And to become a part of this frictionless web, your online business platform needs to change drastically.

To fit into this utopian world of the web, your website needs web 3.0 design trends. Leveraging the above-mentioned design and development aspects, you’ll have an easier time making the best of this next age of web revolution.

Want more customized intel on how to best optimize your website for web 3.0? Looking for the perfect tech partner to transform your site for the future? Give us a shout-out, and let’s get working!

optimize your website for web 3.0


Saptarshi Halder

Executive Director & COO

"Saptarshi Halder is the Executive Director and COO of Unified Infotech and the strategic mind behind the company's growth. His expertise in operational efficiency and team leadership empowers his colleagues to excel and innovate.”