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What is A Bot And How To Deal With Fake Bot Traffic?

  • Pratip Biswas
  • Nov 16,2017
  • 6 minutes read
Are you think about fake bot traffic?
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One of the greatest inconveniences for each paid-traffic affiliate marketer is managing the bot traffic, which comes about because of the high measure of different BOT’s, that are surfing the website development services. As indicated by a few appraisals, the greater part of all web activity is really caused by BOTs in some frame – crawlers, spiders, rippers. Some are legit tools, some not so much.

There isn’t much we can do about the Google crawler, for instance, SE crawlers are a worthy piece of the web internet ecosystem. There are numerous genuine purposes behind running programmed frameworks that copy user behavior, so we are not going to complain about such devices by any stretch of the imagination.

What is Bot?

Short for Robot, Bot is a software application that has the primary mission of completing automated tasks online. These responsibilities are typically repetitive in nature and are performed with more efficiency and speed than is possible by a human.

Bad Bots!

The report’s data indicated malicious bots account for 29% of all Website visits. Of those:

Good vs. Harmful Bots

Bots are utilized for gainful purposes, for example, ordering internet sources and search engines. Nonetheless, their utilization have additionally headed toward the dark side. Hurtful bots are intended for pernicious purposes. For example, spreading malware, gathering email addresses, conferring click extortion and artificially inflating website traffic. We should investigate the distinctive sorts of awful bots you should know about.


Spambots are bots used to gather or “harvest” however many email addresses as would be prudent with the goal that they can be focused on unsolicited commercial email (UCE). This is the reason more advanced Internet clients have a tendency to not interface their email tends to the characteristic HTML way, yet encode it in JavaScript, a picture or content pieces of information like johndoe at Gmail website. A few bots even round out structures and obstruct CAPTCHA protections.

Spambots spam without gathering email addresses. They attack the servers straightforwardly by going to countless sites every day and sending HTTP requests for with a phony referrer header. They plan and convey these phony headers to abstain from being found as bots. The imposter header commonly shows the site that the spammer wishes to embrace, and which they need to get clicks or even connections from for the situation that server logs have been made open public.

Smart Spambots

Some spambots are likely to send artificial traffic without going by a site. This happens when the bots deliver HTTP asks for from a Google Analytics following code. Your site ID is utilized also. Not exclusively can keen spambots send counterfeit movement to a site, they can likewise send counterfeit referrers. Since the referrer site regularly resembles a true blue one, you may feel that the alluding site is genuine, however it’s most certainly not. The GM Block Bots module sift through these sorts of bots with a 403 Forbidden message and keeps them from appearing in your Google Analytics.


Botnet remains for a robot network, and it is a system of computers. The botnet is in correspondence with each other to perform assignments. It can be found locally, or it can be spread out over the globe. At the point when a spambot gets to the botnet, it can access the entire system of IP-locations and dispatch assaults including DDoS, Adware, Spyware, E-mail spam, click extortion, quick transition, and scareware. This further befuddles site proprietors as false activity can originate from an extensive variety of IP addresses.

Google bots is Our Ally in the Bot Wars

If we think about the web as a regularly developing library with no focal recording framework, we can see precisely what a Googlebot needs. A Googlebot’s main goal is to crawl this library and make a recording framework. Bots should have the capacity to rapidly and effectively crawl destinations. At the point when a Googlebot lands at your site, it’s initial purpose of access is your site’s robot.txt document, which features the significance of guaranteeing it’s simple for the bots to slither your robots.txt record. The less time Google bots spend on superfluous bits of your site, the better. In the meantime, make sure you have not coincidentally siloed or blocked pages of your site that ought not to be blocked.

Next, Google bots utilize the sitemap.xml document to find all territories of your site. The principal general guideline is this: keep it straightforward. Google bots don’t creep DHTML, Flash, Ajax nor JavaScript and in addition, they slither HTML. Since Google has been not as much as pending about how its bots slither JavaScript and Ajax, abstain from utilizing this code for your site’s most critical components. Next, utilize inward connecting to make a shrewd, sensible structure that will help the bots effectively creep your site. To check the respectability of your inward connecting structure, go to Google Webmaster Tools – > Search Traffic – > Internal Links. The best-connected pages ought to be your site’s most essential pages. If they aren’t, you have to reconsider your connecting structure.

How to Protect a Website from Spambots

If you are discovering spambots in your Google Analytics as often as possible, you can square them with .htaccess. While, it is the best strategy, any little.htaccess mistake can bring your site down, so do as such with the alert.

You can likewise hide spambots straightforwardly in Google Analytics, as is clarified in this connection. While it hides activity, without spending unlimited hours setting up the channel, garbage movement is still logged.

Thirdly, in case you’re a WordPress user, you can utilize the GM Block Bots module to crush spambots. It’s smaller, requires no setup, and has demonstrated some quite flawless outcomes. See the beneath diagram indicating bot activity prior and then afterward the GM Block Bots module was introduced.

Spambots can disillusion your mind. While dealing with spambots can be maddening, it’s important to stay on top of the threat. It will give you a clearer view of how your website is performing. Good luck!


Pratip Biswas

Founder & CEO, Unified Infotech

"Pratip Biswas, founder and CEO of Unified Infotech, has driven the company to become a leader in next-gen digital transformation. He has a deep-rooted passion for technology and innovation. With his visionary approach and expertise, he has been transforming ideas into reality for entrepreneurs and businesses.”