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Web Design Company In USA: 5 Secrets To UX Design For Maximum User Interaction

  • Pratip Biswas
  • Nov 24,2016
  • 6 minutes read
web design company in USA
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A good design intoxicates a visitor. It evokes the senses in any person who has abandoned five or six websites just because it didn’t appeal him the right way. There is a sense of emotion that triggers him the moment he comes across a great design. Any web design company in New York, USA focuses more to establish an emotional connection with the visitor apart from considering the aesthetics of a website. A humanistic design is what matters the most to somebody who is visiting a website.

UX Design = Human Design

According to a report by Adobe, 39% people stop engaging if the images take too long to upload and 38% of them abandon the website if they didn’t find the layout of the website attractive. These figures are reminiscent of the fact that it is the interaction, which matters the most to any visitor. People look for something, which gives special attention to them and at the same time engage them. The same concept is applicable even in the case of UX design. The overall objective is to make them visit a website and keep coming back again and again. Earlier, interacting with a computer was all about codes, but today it is about communicating with a person directly.

As the world is moving towards robot technology, one should not fail to understand that it was a human brain, which discovered the possibility of creating a human-like a thing such as a robot, to perform actions by applying codes. Hence, it is necessary to design keeping in mind about what elicits a response in the human brains. Now, there is more than one way to make a human driven design apart from making appealing designs and using flowery elements such as messaging bots and voice recognition. So, all of these come down to one thing – UX design. In other words, user interaction is the key to getting more customers.

Why would a web design company in USA go for a UX design might sometimes emerge in your mind. Well, it simplifies plenty of websites, which have a complex navigation structure. It acts as a guide to a user to help him find the relevant information in a clear and crisp manner. As a result, the user experiences increases to a considerable extent. It cuts down the period of projects with a longer timeframe. A website with a great UX saves time as well as the cost of the company. Talking from another perspective, a start-up adapts it as a more convenient weapon to create a place in the user’s mind in the competitive market.

Unveiling The Secrets To UX Design

Connecting with the users is one of the fundamental things when it comes to increasing the user experience.  As a leading web design company in USA, we will share with you the secrets that increase user interaction and ultimately lead to more revenue generation.

Secret 1: Make Design Effortless And Conventional

You cannot change the screen size and the devices. What you can change is the way things render and how easily can your design adapt itself to various environments. If you want the right design, then it must be comfortable to use. Always keep in mind that thumb patterns, especially on a mobile device, should be easily accessible. Adjust the contrast accordingly, because there are people accessing the internet through desktop in clear lighting conditions and people accessing them through mobile in various lighting conditions. Motions and movements create a delightful experience for the user as a website design company in USA.

Secret 2: Use Emotional Intelligence

Designing should be such that it should attach the user at an emotional level. It establishes faith and trust among the audience. One of the easiest ways to emotionally attach the user is, by using colors. They stir up various emotions inside the human mind. For instance: red color raises the excitement level, green denotes prosperity, purple conveys luxury. Remember, adding elements won’t stir up emotions at all. It depends upon the kind of message, which goes to the customers. In this way, it will create a brand loyalty among the customers and they will look for your products.

Secret 3: Trigger Mental Alert

A good design is also about understanding the human psychology. People always look for relevant information, something that gives the solutions to their problems. They will always remember anything, which is unique and appealing. Users take less than a second to go through the interface of a website. If the website fails to impress the visitors, then you lose a visitor to another web design company in USA. Whether it is a visual thing or a text based one, just be sure that the tone of communication is conversational. You can take the example of Bose. The website is attractive and creates a mental alert.

Secret 4: Keep Simple Designs

What is one of the most common thing between Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? It’s the simplicity in their design that helps them to get the maximum user attention. Another interesting thing to notice about these social media websites are that all of them have grown in complexity over the years. However, the design has remained simple throughout. While choosing the color, keep in mind about the cultural preferences, keep ample space and let the design breathe, for typography starts with sans serif style. You can keep modifying it in future.

Secret 5: Keep Humans In Mind

The last but not the least thing is that not to forget about the humans. During each stage of your project, keep this thing in mind. One way to do it is by starting to create a personality around it. Do a research about the behavior of your target customers in different environments. As a web design company in USA, you must know about the actions that elicit responses among your customers. Once you are aware of their behavior, you can confidently turn the attention of the readers towards your website.

Always keep in mind that a design with a slight human touch is what makes your design tangible. Communication is the key that always drives users in. It is one of the most convenient ways to create an impact on the target audiences. An easy to understand the website is the primary thing to create the maximum followers to your website.

We have dealt with many designing projects from around the world and have delivered exceptionally wonderful designed websites with excellent UX design. If you are looking for a web design company in USA, which can create an aesthetic website with maximum user engagement, then, send us an email at


Pratip Biswas

Founder & CEO, Unified Infotech

"Pratip Biswas, founder and CEO of Unified Infotech, has driven the company to become a leader in next-gen digital transformation. He has a deep-rooted passion for technology and innovation. With his visionary approach and expertise, he has been transforming ideas into reality for entrepreneurs and businesses.”