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Unified Collaborated With Australian Enterprise To Fight COVID-19 – Launches App

  • Pratip Biswas
  • Apr 29,2020
  • 5 minutes read
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From the beginning of the Global pandemic of COVID-19, a.k.a Coronavirus, the main problem we have all faced is the lack of a unified source of information and communication. The online world scattered with both reliable and unreliable sources of information have only made the situation worse. 

Understanding this problem, Unified Infotech teamed up with one of their most prominent Australian clients to create an app that will act as the main source of information for Australian users. 

It Started With An Idea

From the very beginning of this situation, the lack of reliable information turned out to be one of the main problems. As the people all around the world started to struggle against the pandemic without any combined source of information and communication, we teamed up with our Australian clients to design and develop an app that can save people during this situation.


The idea is simple- providing a straightforward gateway for communication and information to the users. It is not only about having the most important facts but what they are going to do about it and how they are going to take the right steps. 

The Features Maketh The App

Designed specifically to give the users an edge in this fight, the app for COVID-19 is armed with all the right features and functionalities. From travel safety to a faster way of connecting with the authorities, every necessary feature is added to the app to help the users. Want a detailed outlook? Let’s see what the features are then-

1. Alerts

The most important thing right now is to stay up to date with all the COVID-19 news from reliable sources. And that’s why we have integrated the Alerts feature on our app.

With this feature, users will be instantly alerted about any kind of new development about the pandemic situation. Whether it is about the fluctuation in the number of affected people around the country or any news related to vaccinations, they will get an instant notification.

2. Map

The map features heighten the level of interactivity in the app. The users are not only able to check out the global impact of this pandemic, but they can also pinpoint their own country and city to see how it affects their homeland.

This feature is also one of the best shortcuts for the users to get information about the nearest hospital and medical facility. This way they can quickly get to the hospital if needed. 

3. 13 Health

This feature is a straightforward way for the users to contact the healthcare service in case they start showing any symptoms. The user would be able to reach out to the medical services right from the app without any problems. 

4. Location and Travel Information

The Location feature will enable the user to get more information on their locality. Whether it’s about the number of people that have been affected or the hospitals nearest to them and how to get there. With the location feature, they have all the information on their fingertips. 

covid app designed by unified infotech

With the travel feature, the users can get the necessary information regarding traveling within and outside the country. From what kind of precautions they need to take during the necessary traveling to the risk factor of traveling to a country, the users would be able to get all the information right here. 

5. Contact Groups

Users can make up contact groups for contacting in an emergency. The availability of emergency contacts as a group increases the quality of communication as people are stuck at home during isolation. 

6. Settings

Settings feature is a simple and straightforward feature for the users to control various aspects of the app. Whether it is about controlling the notifications or managing emergency contacts, the setting is one of the most important features in the app.

location update feature in covid app

7. Information

The information feature acts as a hub for information, providing the users with necessary information on the disease, symptoms, prevention, etc. All the information is taken from reliable sources and included for the users to save the users from panic and disorder. 

8. My COVID Risks

The “My COVID Risks” feature is a unique feature that enables the users to understand whether they are going to contract the disease or not. With this feature, the users simply have to answer a few questions and the app will provide the users with results based on their answer. The feature is designed to provide the users with proper guidance and reduce panic among them. 

9. Review My Results

This feature will help the users to check out their results and keep a track of results based on previous queries. This way they can rest assured and know when they have to contact the medical services. 

The global pandemic of COVID-19 is one of the biggest pandemic faced by the world until now. With no vaccination available just yet, the only three steps we can take is to responsibly follow protocols, stay informed about what to do, and self isolates until it’s safe to go out. And with our app, the users might find it a lot easier to do the first two steps. 

Do you have an app idea to discuss?  Talk to our experts today.


Pratip Biswas

Founder & CEO, Unified Infotech

"Pratip Biswas, founder and CEO of Unified Infotech, has driven the company to become a leader in next-gen digital transformation. He has a deep-rooted passion for technology and innovation. With his visionary approach and expertise, he has been transforming ideas into reality for entrepreneurs and businesses.”