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Our Commitment: How We Continue To Deliver Quality Service Even During Pandemic

  • Samrat Biswas
  • Oct 01,2020
  • 7 minutes read
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The COVID-19 pandemic has brought everyone to their knees. Since the day it was declared to be a global catastrophe, till right now, it has not only put a stop to normal business processes but has turned the standard industry work processes upside down on its head.

Now, after more than 6 months, we have settled into this new normal of working from home. But there are still a few questions our clients might have about our work/business process. 

Whether it is about our communication process, or productivity and quality of delivery, all these queries and their answers are going to be of paramount importance for you to make the final call about your project.

As an establishment that believes in complete transparency, we have heard your questions, and bring the answers to you. So no matter what the questions are, you can find all those answers right here!

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The Transitions: WFO To WFH, How Your Project Is Going To Be Affected?

The 100% transition of work model that appeared within our organization in less than two days had zero impact on our ongoing projects. Keeping in mind the security of our clients, we ensured that they don’t have to travel to the office for any work purposes. Through the necessary migration of infrastructure, we enabled them to keep up the good work right from the safety of their home.

The pre-existing remote operation model has helped us even more to embrace this new situation. Instead of wondering about what to do in the face of this unique challenge, we have taken advantage of all aspects and ensured that none of our existing and future clients are affected by this crisis.

Zero Disruption In Communication: We Are Always Here!

Every business person about to hire a web development partner has only one question- how will the partner be able to keep the communication smooth?

Surely, social distancing and quarantining measurements have made it hard to keep in touch with people. However, having already anticipated these issues, we implemented the right solutions from the very beginning. And after 6 months, we can proudly say that the timely action has paid off that further reiterates our earned feather-in-the-cap of being one of the Top New York App Development Agencies.

Using various collaboration tools, such as Skype, Jira, Asana, Slack, Zoom, Trello, Invision we have created a strong communication network within our teams. The interconnected teams with the above-mentioned tools have operated efficiently from the very beginning and will continue to do so till time immemorial (in case things don’t change!).

And now the matter of interconnected teams brings us to the next question-

How Well The Interlinked Processes Are Working In These Times?

Collaboration is key, and when it comes to more complex projects, such as a tiered web and app development/design process, collaboration happens to be the ultimate element that keeps the work process going.

For our client’s (and of course, yours) multifaceted projects, we have integrated agile collaboration methods that help us to not just stay connected, but solve problems even when we are miles away.

The tried and tested method has been a part of our work process from the very beginning. And now, our Agile teams are able to apply this system to collaborate better on your projects. Using this, we have eliminated departmental silos, enabling our multidisciplinary teams to collaborate across the establishment and deliver quality products.

Is The Crisis In Any Way Going To Affect The Quality Of Service? What About Productivity?

Despite the industry-wide sacrifices and compromises, we are still on track to deliver the very best. The crisis is not something we have not faced in the past, but we’ve always had a contingency plan in place for any kind of risk management.

corona work from home

The interdisciplinary team members spread out across their homes are in constant touch (figure of speech) with each other through the collaboration tools we have already mentioned, along with the more conventional tools of communication such as emails, phone calls, and video calls.

Additionally, we implemented the use of time tracking tools to ensure that our team members can achieve stability between work and life and are always fit (both psychologically and physically) to deliver the highest quality of work.

What Happens When Your Point Of Contact Falls Victim To The Virus?

All of our Unified team members, from the very beginning of this pandemic, have taken every precaution to prevent falling ill. Our remote operation model ensures that team members don’t have to travel for any work purpose. However, there’s no denying the fact that the virus can not be controlled.

And if unfortunately, your point of contact with us does fall ill, we have backup plans to ensure that our commitment towards the project as repute as one of the Top New York User Experience Agencies remains unperturbed. While the sick individual recovers, we can continue with your projects, without any disruption. All our project administrators, developers, and designers are available to help with your site or app at any time.

What Kind Of Help Will You Get From Our Management?

Each member of our workforce is ready to support you during this disastrous time. From our management members, you can get precious consultations on how your business can function and succeed in this new normal. Whether you are an enterprise looking to reinvent, or a startup wondering how to make it in the industry, we have all the right advice that is optimized for this new pandemic market.

Is Unified Infotech Following The Downsizing Methods Like Everyone Else?

Not really! In fact, if anything, our family has only grown in the past couple of months. Judging and understanding the requirements of the current landscape, we were able to develop apps and websites for our clients that leveraged the current needs of the audience out there. This pivoting technique has helped us to garner even more clients and to facilitate their projects, we hired innovative experts from many different disciplines.

Downsizing during a crisis is not our style. Rather we like to engage the expertise of our teams to improve upon the work even more. And that result is quite clear from our revenue numbers. Additionally, we are also using this work from home time to up-skill our employees.

What Kind Of Training Campaign Do We Have Going On?

Our organization-wide training sessions have been designed to include a vast array of technical and development skill training modules. From web development, design, android/iOS design patterns to generic soft skill, we are aiming to help the team members to become even more proficient in their skills. This will help us deliver better results to you!

What Is Next?

The pandemic is not gone, and the slow unlocking process is not picking up speed anytime soon. And in this new normal, we have all strategies in place to keep delivering quality service to you.

While we can not predict the future, we can tell you about our plans. The work from the home landscape has made us confident in our skill to work remotely without any compromise in quality. Now we can focus on building a global team of designers and developers who can leverage the remote working system. And focus in creating quality websites and apps for our clients.

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A. Are There Any Specific Business Plans We Are Utilizing During This Time?

Of course! Our agile business continuity plans focus on a test-first method where we focus more on the process than any bottlenecks. This creates an environment for a more organic approach towards finding solutions to the challenges.

B. Are There Any Changes In Points Of Contact Across The Organization?

Not at all. All our communication details are just as below, and you can reach us through our website anytime you want!

C. Exactly When Is The Best Time To Contact Us?

Whenever is convenient for you! We are ready to help 24/7.

D. How Is This Process Impacting Your Approach Towards The Design And Development Of Websites And Apps?

While the challenge is severe, we have recalibrated our processes. As for the effect on our approach, we have included the new market needs that emerged as a side effect of this pandemic in our research process. And further look to optimize the products we design accordingly.


Samrat Biswas

Operations Director

"Samrat Biswas is the operations director at Unified Infotech. He has been masterfully executing the company’s projects and ensuring high-quality outcomes. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for strategic planning, Samrat turns ambitious goals into actionable plans.”