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Reasons Why Customers Are Not Using Your App and Ways to Curb Them

  • Pratip Biswas
  • Mar 01,2017
  • 5 minutes read
mobile app development
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A mobile app has become an integral part of our lives. From finding social feeds to scheduling appointments, everything comes in an app. Starting from a small business to a multinational company, everybody needs an app. A mobile app development company leverages technology with mobile. It offers the perfect solution for a common person’s need. Once you have launched the app, it is necessary to determine its usability.

Mobile Application Market Insight

As per a Nielon’s report, people spend approximately 30 hours in a month behind an app. Mobile app developers can make a great strategy from this insight. This will help them to connect with the audience. Before launching an app, one needs to keep certain things in mind. People never find app in an app store. It can be through a YouTube video, a mobile website or through search engines. It also depends on the categories such as travel and tech. Mobile application development company know the exact requirements of an app user. So, most of the companies rely on it to get the best results.

Engaging users plays a key role in retaining customers. A mobile app increases the brand value of a business. The challenge is to prove the utility of the application to the people. As a marketer, you need to ask some questions. Does the app give a solution to the customer? Does it offer utility? You must be confident as a mobile application development company. Solving people’s need through an app should be your focus. To engage today’s mobile users, gain their trust by offering scalable solutions. It will help your business to evolve as a brand soon.

Even after releasing a mobile app, one fails to get the expected downloads. When all such efforts go in vain, it is necessary to find what went wrong. There are many factors, for which your mobile app might not be successful. This blog will let you know about the primary elements, which are missing from your mobile app. Once, you come to know about them, you can find the fallacies and rectify them. A mobile app development company holds the future of the development process. It is necessary for them to understand the factors, which doesn’t work for an app’s failure.

5 Reasons Why Customers Aren’t Using Your App

Most of the time, developers don’t witness much success with a mobile application. Even after releasing the app, you might not witness much downloads. But, you have to understand that there are reasons why people don’t use your mobile application.

Outdated Content

Using the same old content repeatedly will bore your users. About 70% of people abandon the app after first use. The reason? They do not get any new thing. They always expect something, which is refreshing. One can upload pictures or go for a daily comic strip. If one keeps posting the same thing, it will irritate the user.

Our solution: Write original content. Provide a different perspective to the problem. This will make the customers coming back to the app. Step in the customer’s shoes and understand the expectations. You can identify the needs as a mobile app development company.

Less Feedback Options

Feedback is an important criterion for evaluating the acceptance rate of the app. A positive or negative feedback will help you to test the app. There can be different perspectives and opinions. Most of the people will leave the app without any sign. Listen to the demand of your users.

Our solution: Don’t redirect your customers to the app store. Instead, send them an email for survey. Ask for feedback via social media and in app messages. Social media serves as a great way to get real feedback. Moreover, the landing page of a website also matters.

Wrong Target Audience

First, it is important to understand who your target audience is. What are their tastes and preferences? There should not be a huge diversity between them. Test the current marketing trends of the app and then launch the app. Target the right group should be the goal.

Our solution: Create a distinct personality for your customers after knowing the preferences. Use app store optimization for better visibility. You can also take the advantage of analytics to track the user’s behavior. A mobile app development company is an expert in this case.

Sending Incorrect Notifications

The backbone of a successful app lies in right time and right place. If your customer finds the app less attractive, then there is no point in releasing it.  An app must solve the problem of the customer. The time of your notifications should be simpler.

Our solution: Determine the demand of the app and then send the notifications. Most of the time users get irritated with push notifications. As an app developer, understand what kind of notifications does the customer like. Timing is important here.

Absence Of Reward Systems

Everybody wants something in return for spending time in mobile. Giving loyalty points or rewards to app users is a wonderful thing. If you do not do it, your competitors will do it. Spending on rewards gives the best return on your investment. Sunk cost is an important thing to consider here.

Our solution: To reward the customers, you need to answer few important questions. How valuable are the rewards to your users? What’s the most valuable thing that they prefer? What incentives will you give to them? Once you find the answers, then you can offer the rewards.

There are many ways to boost the user’s engagement through a mobile app. You can now understand why users are not using your app. We’re a mobile app development company and give solutions by making robust apps. If you have an app requirement, send us an email at


Pratip Biswas

Founder & CEO, Unified Infotech

"Pratip Biswas, founder and CEO of Unified Infotech, has driven the company to become a leader in next-gen digital transformation. He has a deep-rooted passion for technology and innovation. With his visionary approach and expertise, he has been transforming ideas into reality for entrepreneurs and businesses.”