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A Detailed Insight into Laravel Framework Ecosystems

  • Pratip Biswas
  • Dec 16,2019
  • 12 minutes read
Laravel framework
Table of contents

Thanks to Taylor Otwell and his crew for introducing Laravel in the tech world.

So, what’s Laravel?

According to the brains behind Laravel, it is “The PHP Framework For Web Artisans”. 

Since the time of its inception, Laravel has become the “talk of the town” among web developers worldwide. The PHP Laravel framework has elegant and expressive syntax. The team behind Laravel has already laid the foundation. So, you are completely free from sweating over small things in web application development now. 

We are definitely going to talk about how cool Laravel is. And why Laravel is so popular. But in this blog, our main focus is to give you a detailed insight into the Laravel framework Ecosystems. 

What Will You Find in This Ultimate Guide on Laravel Ecosystems?

1. Stats and market share – Where does Laravel stand?

2. Why Laravel stand out from other PHP frameworks? A quick sneak peek to top features of Laravel framework.

3. Your business benefits from Laravel framework development.

4. A look into the best Laravel ecosystems.

So, let’s dig in!

1. What the Numbers are Talking? Stats on Laravel Usage and Market Share

Laravel is trending in the market these days. The intuitiveness, speed, scalability, and high cost-effectiveness are some of its great features. No wonder why the demand for any Laravel application development company at its peak today. 

Here, we are going to share some stats on Laravel usage with you. 

According to the BuiltWith report, worldwide 150,496 live websites are currently using Laravel

User statistics
Source: BuiltWith

As per the survey report by Enlyft, Laravel is most popular in the United States. 

Top countries that use Laravel for web development
Source: Enlyft

Wondering if Laravel is appropriate for your business or not? The image below shows the industry verticals of Laravel usage.

top industries where this framework is used
Source: SimilarTech

Globally renowned organizations like Union, 9GAG, Geocodio, etc. are reaping the benefits of Laravel. 

From here, we are going to proceed to our next point. It will help you understand why to use Laravel framework. 

2. Why Laravel Framework Stand Out From Other PHP Frameworks?

Web developers have so many choices for web development frameworks. Still, Laravel always tops their list of favorites. 

Why? What makes Laravel so special? That is what we are going to discuss here.

Laravel is not just another PHP-based framework. Rather, it provides the ultimate support in web development. Let’s take a look at some of the significant Laravel features that make it special.

Template Engine

This framework offers lightweight and innovative inbuilt templates. These help the Laravel developers to craft intriguing layouts. To build it, the Laravel experts use dynamic content seeding. Also, Laravel widgets help to create solid structures for web applications. 


Laravel developers go gaga over this framework for its inbuilt tool Artisan. This tool helps the experts to do lengthy programming tasks real quick. 

Built-in Object-Oriented Libraries

In the Laravel web framework, developers get here over 20 pre-installed libraries. The Authentication library is pretty popular. It provides better security features like encryption and CSRF protection. And it also provides the necessary security for login and database. 

MVC Architecture Support

Being the best PHP MVC framework, Laravel comes with a lot of inbuilt functions. These inbuilt functions help developers to build robust and superior applications. MVC architecture ensures sophisticated documentation and remarkable performance. So, using the Laravel framework is like a win-win situation for the developers. 

Database Migration

The database sharing ability within the team makes the development process faster and easier. This is possible with Laravel’s database migration support. 

Unit Testing

To evaluate an explicit web application feature, unit testing is important. It is possible when you use the Laravel framework. By performing unit testing through the PHP Unit, Laravel developers can do so. Furthermore, it sets the PHPUnit.XML file up by default. Also, according to specific testing requirements, experts can define custom test methods. 


Laravel framework offers a basic caching system. It helps to achieve simple caching tasks including storing objects in a database or file. Simultaneously, users can integrate the web framework smoothly with other popular caching systems. The list of different caching systems includes APC, Memcached, and Redis. Thus, you can boost the performance of web applications.

Route Middleware

This framework supports HTTP middleware. This middleware is essential for adding additional layers to the HTTP route. It helps optimize the communication between the web server and your application. Interestingly, you don’t need to use any third-party tools for that.

Strong Community Support

This framework is backed by a huge and growing community. if you face any issue, you can post your query in this community. And you can get the required solutions from the Laravel experts worldwide.

Thus, Laravel offers a set of comprehensive features. And using these features, customizing web applications as per client requirements becomes easier. No wonder why developers tend to choose Laravel over other available options.

3. How Can Your Business Benefit from Laravel development?

So far, you’ve got to know why developers love Laravel. Now, let’s see why businesses love Laravel.


Web application security is one of the major concerns of business owners. And with Laravel, fighting against different online threats becomes easier. So, it ensures the smooth functioning of your web application with zero security threats.

Improved Performance

A feature-rich application is nothing if it can’t perform up to the mark. With Laravel, you can have the highest performing web application. 

An Impressive Feature List

We already discussed how Laravel stands out from other PHP frameworks. The incredible feature list helps developers to build the best-in-class web applications. And the best web applications ensure great business ROI with the best performance. 

Clear Verification

Surely, you don’t want unauthentic clients to access the paid resources. This is why you will need clear verification. It is crucial to assure an application’s security. Laravel makes sure that unauthentic clients stay far from your valuable resources. 

Saves Time and Cost

Laravel’s MVC architecture ensures rapid web application development. Now, lesser development time means less development cost! 

No wonder why businesses are fond of Laravel development services.

4. What are the Most Popular Laravel Ecosystems?

The Laravel ecosystem is ever-growing as well as dynamic. Yet it is so mature that it can efficiently handle any potential use case. No wonder why most businesses and developers are switching to Laravel. 

Here we have discussed some popular Laravel ecosystems. These all have revolutionized how you build the web!

A. Laravel Nova

An elegantly designed administration panel.  

Laravel framework ecosystem
Source: Laravel Nova

Nova is a single-page application. It is built on the Tailwind and Vue.js ecosystem. This highly customizable application looks really impressive and trendy.

Why being excited about Nova is totally justified? – Features

Now, we are going to highlight Nova’s darling features. 

Resource Management: With this feature, you can smoothly integrate the models to the dashboard. Also, Nova supports all Eloquent relationships. This list includes the pivot tables as well.

Metrics: You can instantly see the custom metrics for your application with Nova. In no time, you can generate three types of graphs. Also, there are query helpers to make everything easy as pie! 

Actions: Worried about an action that is taking a lot of time? Well, no issues. The queued actions by Nova will make sure your administration panel remains neat and elegant.

Custom Tools: This ecosystem offers CLI generators to scaffold your custom tools. 

Filters: With Nova, you can provide your users with instant views of different segments of your data. For the resource indexes, you can write custom filters. The team Nova has included built-in filters for “soft deleted” resources. 

Authorization: Laravel has some existing authorization policies. Nova is seamlessly integrated with these policies. Fine-grained authorization support is also available. The tools, relationships, actions, fields, and lenses will get this support.

Lenses:  To take full control over the entire Eloquent query, you can add lenses to your resource.

Scout search integration: Link the Nova administration panel with Laravel Scout. It ensures lightning-fast search results. These are powered by the cloud and Algolia. 

Custom Fields: You can use the Nova CLI to generate a custom field. Thus, you can get full control over its implementation and design.

B. Laravel Vapor 

Laravel Vapor is a serverless future for the Laravel which is powered by AWS.

This is a robust platform for managing your entire Laravel application infrastructure. 

Collaboration: You can organize your projects into teams. Also, you can collaborate with others to build the next big thing.

Quick Rollbacks: Just made a mistake? With Vapor, you can rollback the entire application. Interestingly, you can rollback the environment variables as well. 

Pipeline Friendly: Install the Vapor CLI directly into your project. And deploy the Vapor application directly from the CI pipeline. 

Databases: Create and manage your serverless and traditional databases directly from Vapor’s intuitive dashboard. Also, you can scale and restore the database from this dashboard.

Cloud Storage: Its built-in JavaScript utilities help to stream your file uploads directly to S3. 

Caches: Dealing with ElastiCache Redis clusters becomes easier with Vapor. You can easily create and manage everything. Vapor will responsibly scale your cache. You don’t have to worry about that at all. 

CloudFront CDN: Vapor ensures blazing-fast load times. Vapor automatically uploads and serves your assets via S3 or CloudFront CDN during deployment.

Metrics: Keep track of your application’s health with Vapor. It monitors a variety of metrics about your applications, databases, and caches.

C. Laravel Forge

Say goodbye to nightmarish server management with Laravel Forge!

Using this server management platform, you can deploy unlimited PHP applications on Vultr, Amazon, Digitalocean, etc. The official team behind Laravel Forge says that it is already managing 265,310 applications globally. 

Free SSL Certificates: It integrates with LetsEncrypt. It allows you to obtain free SSL certificates for your Forge powered applications.

Secure by Default: SSH key authentication is compulsory for all the Forge servers. With Forge, all the security updates are automatically installed.

Simple Queues: Time to say goodbye to the manual Supervisor configuration with Forge. Directly from Forge, you can easily start and manage the supervised Laravel Queue workers. 

Collaborate: You can easily share the server’s management dashboard with your co-workers. Though you have to use the Plus plan for it.

Push to Deploy: Now, code deployment has become easier than ever. You simply need to push to master on your Bitbucket, GitHub, or custom Git repository. 

D. Laravel Echo

In the Laravel 5.3 version, Laravel Echo was introduced. Echo brought a major improvement over the event broadcasting system in Laravel. Also, the way it interacts with Pusher got enhanced. 

According to experts, real-time applications are the future. And Echo makes it easier to craft stunning real-time applications. 

Interested to leverage the power of WebSockets to your Laravel-built application? Use Laravel Echo. It simplifies some common yet complex aspects of building WebSockets interactions.

Laravel application’s event broadcasting is stored in the config/broadcasting.php configuration file.

Laravel Echo supports lots of broadcast drivers. This long list includes Redis, pusher channels, and a log driver. The log driver helps in debugging and local development.

E. Laravel Horizon

“Supercharge your queues with an impressive dashboard and code-driven configuration.”

Lravel framework ecosystem
Source: Laravel

To easily examine the key metrics of the queue system, you should use Horizon. With it, monitoring job failures, job throughput, and runtime become significantly easier. 

A simple and single configuration file stores all the worker configuration. The major benefit is that your configuration will stay in source control. Undoubtedly, it makes team collaboration easier. 

Metrics: It includes a metrics dashboard. You’ll get information on your job, queue wait times, and throughput.

Tags: It allows you to assign “tags” to different jobs. You can assign tags to mailable, notifications, event broadcasts, and queued event listeners as well. Interestingly, Horizon automatically and intelligently tags most jobs depending on the Eloquent models that are attached to the job.

To check out Horizon in detail and how it works, click here

F. Laravel Lumen

Lumen, the stunningly fast micro-framework by Laravel. 

Lumen is built for microservices. With it, lightning-fast APIs and microservices are delivered without compromising its elegance. 

Speed: It is one of the fastest micro-frameworks available. Now, you can effortlessly write superfast services. These services will provide the necessary support to your Laravel applications. 

lumen speed
Source: Lumen

Convenience: Power or Speed? Well, why not choose both with Lumen! Use all your favorite Laravel features with almost zero configuration. Eloquent, queues, caching, middleware, validation, routing, and the Laravel service container – use all these with Lumen.

So, these were some of the most used and most popular Laravel ecosystems. Analyze your business requirements. And accordingly, choose the most suitable Laravel ecosystem for your next project.

Summing Up

If you’ve reached this far, hopefully, you’ve got an overall idea of how cool Laravel is! 

So, do you have a project in your mind? Want to do it using Laravel web framework? Wondering where can you hire Laravel developers and experts? Well, you are in the right place then! 

Here at Unified Infotech, we house an experienced team of Laravel developers. We boast sheer industrial expertise in Laravel development services. And with that, we assist our global clientele to get top-notch Laravel-built web applications. Get in touch with us to experience the best-in-class web development


Pratip Biswas

Founder & CEO, Unified Infotech

"Pratip Biswas, founder and CEO of Unified Infotech, has driven the company to become a leader in next-gen digital transformation. He has a deep-rooted passion for technology and innovation. With his visionary approach and expertise, he has been transforming ideas into reality for entrepreneurs and businesses.”