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How to Solve App Development Problems?

  • Pratip Biswas
  • Nov 13,2015
  • 6 minutes read
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According to Fiksu, 10.3 million mobile apps were downloaded in January this year. These figures are an indication how much demand mobile apps have around the world and is also a sign of positive growth for an app development company that specializes in developing mobile apps for android, iOS or any other mobile operating system.

We use mobile apps in solving almost everything. From what started as a gaming software, mobile apps have now entered in our everyday lives and is playing the role of Google in our everyday lives. Just as Google has an ‘How to’ or a ‘What is ’ answer to every problem we put in the search engine, in the same way a mobile app helps us to find a solution.

There is hardwork, creativity as well as complex coding which is involved in developing a mobile app. In this blog, we will discuss about the problems faced by a developer while designing a mobile app and how they can be overcome.

1. Wrong Mobile Platforms

Most of the people are not able to decide what is the platform that he or she is targeting at. He or she should always be aware about the type of platform to be used whether it is iOS, Windows or Android. Problem rises at that point of time when one has to invest at a multiple platforms, thus it raises the amount of cost.

How to solve?

a. Decide the platform.

b. Find out your target audience.

c. Take all the technical aspects into account.

d. Know the basic strengths of the platforms where you want to operate your app.

e. What is the current market of the app and what is their market share.

Once you get an answer to all these questions, you will be confident enough about your app and sell them with confidence.

2. Bad User Interface

Believe it or not, the popularity of a mobile app depends upon it’s user interface. Users uninstall or remove most of the mobile apps from their mobiles if it does not have a good user interface. As a user, everybody looks for a user-friendly app that can be used across different platforms. They always look for apps which are less complex and are easy to operate.

How to solve?

a. Hire a UI designer, who can design your mobile app.

b. Make sure that the navigation system is easy, because that’s what plays a major role in an improved User Interface.

c. Use different kinds of analytics tools for mobile like Flurry, Kissmetrics, Localytics.

d. Use Heatmap, Heatdata and Appsee for better visual analytics.

e. Let your mobile app go through the A/B testing.

3. No Marketing Strategy

Marketing is also an integral part in mobile app development. You might have developed one of the best mobile apps, but if people are not aware about it, then there is no use of it. You should have a blue print about the type of marketing tools and strategies to be used for your app and have a step-by-step guide of your marketing plan.

How to solve?

a. Share everything about your app in social media. This can be done either by writing a blog or by making an Infographic.

b. Write press releases to spread the news to people and to all those who like technology and its products.

4. Launching the App in One Language

If you launch an app that goes viral and is downloaded by users all across the world, then this might not prove to be fruitful until and unless your app is launched in multiple languages. Having an app in multiple languages will also increase the possibility of potential users who can download your app.

How to solve?

a. Know the demographics of your users.

b. Find the language spoken in those regions.

c. Launch the app in those regional languages.

5. Lack of Funds

You might have an idea for an app that has never been launched before, but even before developing it, it is necessary to know the cost involved in developing the app.

How to solve?

a. Look for investors who are interested to invest in good technological ideas.

b. Look for companies that have are looking for joint venture partners. Doing this, will help you to distribute the cost with the partnered company.

c. Try some crowdfunding platforms like AppBackr and Kickstarter.

6. Wrong Mobile Content

Managing content is not only an important thing in a website but it also plays a key role in a mobile. Videos, images and animations or any other elements added to a mobile app is very crucial. Sometimes, due to bad wireless connectivity, the performance of a mobile app fails. Hence, it is vital to manage the content in a proper way.

How to solve?

a. Improve the app’s bandwith usage.

b. Manage the content just in accordance to the requirement of your target audience.

7. Less Interactive

Users do not want an app with basic features. The more interactive the app will be, the more popular will be your mobile app. A mobile comes equipped with sensors that are high-tech, hence it is important to make use of them.

How to solve?

a. Keep buttons that take the user to different places in the app.

b. Include more options in addition to tap and swipe.

c. Add more interactive options such as flip, shake and tilt.

8. Complex Design

If your users have to use an app, which make them think twice, then that is definitely not the kind of app that your users are looking for. It is the responsibility of the developer to design the app in an user-friendly way.

How to solve?

a. Include tutorials, instructions and guidelines and let your users know about your app in detail.

b. Icons and thumbnails help a user to go through the app easily. So, use them.

c. Refer to the user interface guidelines by Windows, Apple and Android. Reading the guidelines will give you an idea about the different kinds of user interface that one can develop in a mobile app.

Today, whether we want to book a cab or want to purchase apparel from an online shopping store, a mobile app is the fastest and most convenient way to do it. It has brought technology so close to us that all we need to do is tap a button and get that service. Hence, developing it in a simple and clear way will satisfy the need of the users.


Pratip Biswas

Founder & CEO, Unified Infotech

"Pratip Biswas, founder and CEO of Unified Infotech, has driven the company to become a leader in next-gen digital transformation. He has a deep-rooted passion for technology and innovation. With his visionary approach and expertise, he has been transforming ideas into reality for entrepreneurs and businesses.”