Site Search

Designing Tips to Make Your Website

  • Pratip Biswas
  • Dec 09,2015
  • 6 minutes read
Table of contents

Making your website visible in the top ten Google search is the best way to promote your business because that’s how leads are generated and your business keeps getting more traffic. After all, the ultimate purpose of any business is to earn revenue. As online marketing is increasingly becoming popular, an SEO friendly website with a good website design is the key for getting a good rank as well as earning a good revenue from your website.

Converting a website into an SEO friendly one does not happen overnight. It requires time because a website with a good Google Rank not only includes inserting the most popularly searched keywords over the net but a proper synchronization between them and a good website design.

An interesting point to note about the most popular websites on the net is that they have an excellent design along with a well-planned keyword strategy. Hence, website design plays a vital role in making your website more SEO friendly. A web designing company, whether small or big takes into account the designing aspects that are necessary to make it appear more presentable to the user and then starts developing it.

UIPL has some ultimate website designing tips and techniques that will make your website more SEO friendly.

It’s time to have a look at them.

I. Web Designing Tip 1: Make Your Website A Responsive One

According to a Nielson report, more people browse internet through Smartphones or Tablets rather than sitting in front of a TV. Hence, your website needs to be easily accessed through a mobile phone. This is possible only with the help of a responsive web design. When you have a responsive template, your website can be opened in multiple screen sizes irrespective of it being a static template files or a CMS. The more accessible you will make a website for the visitors, the more they will find it useful.

UIPL’s Tip:

To create a static website, choose WordPress – the best Content Management System.

II. Web Designing Tip 2: Make your Website Rich with Texts

This does not mean that you will stuff your website with content. Search engines always find it easier to crawl through a website that has rich and valuable content. Do not leave your website blank without any product description. Include text on every page related to your products or services. For instance: if you have an image of your product or have uploaded a video, include a 150 words description to let the readers understand about your product as there is no chance of physically inspecting the product online.

UIPL’s Tip:

a) Keep your title limited within 50-60 characters.

b) The meta description should be between 150-160 characters.

c) Place the contact details such as phone numbers, e-mail address or any contact information just below the image so that an interested person can immediately contact.

III. Web Designing Tip 3: Optimize Your Product’s Image


Do you know that optimizing the images of your website increases the possibility of appearing more frequently in the search engine? That’s why it is necessary to optimize the images for your website along with texts that will make your website appear more frequently when searched with the keywords.

UIPL’s Tip:

a) Change the file name or rename it with the keywords related to that product.

b) Have a small caption for all your images.

c) Use HTML codes for the images.

IV. Web Designing Tip – 4: Make The Navigation Structure Text-Based

Making the navigation of a website text-based helps search engines to read the content of your website easily. Although, there are a number of options that are available like JavaScript or Flash, but a text-based navigation structure is one of the easiest ways to get traffic to your website. It uses the anchor text of the links to evaluate the importance of the hyperlinks in the content of your website. Moreover, you can customize the text anytime you want it.


a) Always have a complete linking structure.

b) Have a well-planned hierarchy strategy for your website.

c) Always use shallow deep navigation structure.

V. Web Designing Tip – 5: Use the Redirecting Strategy Intelligently

One of the common mistakes done by web designers is a wrong ‘Redirecting’ strategy. If you are planning to remodel all your content and design the layout of your page in all new format with a new website address, then do not delete the old pages. When you delete all the old pages, you not only remove the data but also lose the traffic, as the redirecting option is no longer available. The existing visitors to your website will view an ‘Error 404’ message if they are unable to access your new website, hence it is mandatory to maintain your old page.


a) Change the URL of your page to ‘301’.

b) Take the help of the ‘Redirection plug in’.

c) You can also create an .htaccess file by using the code redirect 301 /your-page /your-new-page on your web server.


It is true that SEO boosts up the ranking of your website, but at the same time having a well-designed template acts as an icing on the cake. Whenever a person visits a website, he always looks for information that will solve his query and give solutions. With the online industry getting competitive day by day, your website needs to have something unique that will always make it stand out from the plethora of websites that are already in the market. It is thus imperative to have a good combination of keywords and at the same time a great website design in order to make your website stand out from other and generate leads.

The website designing tips mentioned above will help you to regain the lost traffic of your website by making it more SEO friendly. Designers and Developers spend endless hours in making a website. A properly structured SEO plan will certainly help your website to get a good traffic.


Pratip Biswas

Founder & CEO, Unified Infotech

"Pratip Biswas, founder and CEO of Unified Infotech, has driven the company to become a leader in next-gen digital transformation. He has a deep-rooted passion for technology and innovation. With his visionary approach and expertise, he has been transforming ideas into reality for entrepreneurs and businesses.”