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Why Your Business Needs Corporate Learning Management System

  • Pratip Biswas
  • May 14,2020
  • 14 minutes read
corporate learning management systems
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Right now it seems like the Coronavirus pandemic has put a stop in our daily life. But has it really?

Human beings have always been the best at adapting, and sure everyone is staying at home now, following the safety measurements such as isolation and social distancing.

But the daily routine is still kind of the same as always. Especially businesses all around the world are using new techniques to work around this handicap and keep up the normal operation.

Nothing may compromise with business growth, and companies are seeing to that. Unique solutions are being embraced and applied throughout the world to keep up the same level of productivity as always. And among these unique fixes, corporate learning management systems stand as a tall individual with its immense possibilities.

But it is not just a corporate need. From our market observation, we have discovered that many other industries are in need of this specific system. So before we jump into the discussion on LMS for corporate training, let’s take a look into the top three industries that can benefit from the application of LMS right now.

Not Just A Corporate Need: Top 3 Industries That Are Using LMS 

The current scenario is an unprecedented situation. And in such a scenario, industries all over are embracing the learning management platform as one of the unique solutions to cope with the situation. It’s not just the corporate workplaces that are in need of an LMS. 

We are observing some specific kinds of uses of learning management systems in different industries with rising demands. Granted they are all related to connected training and learning, but they are all for various different reasons. Let’s check out how the major industries are utilizing LMS and how in later years it will help the industries. 

a. Education Industry

The education industry has been investing in learning management software from the very beginning. from websites like Udemy to institution-specific platforms have been in this industry for a while now. However, due to the pandemic, there have been some changes in the reason why LMS are being so widely used, and it can also change how educational institutions work in the future.

Right now this system in the education system is helping keep the students at home, protecting them from the clutches of a highly contagious disease. It is also making it easier for the educational organization’s e-learning programs. Granted that there are some roadblocks. But it is still going a lot smoother than it would have without the integration of such a vital system. And that’s why the widespread adoption of LMS in the education industry right now is going to become necessary. 

b. Healthcare Industry

The Healthcare industry is quite new in the LMS integration, but in the pandemic time, it has become quite a blessing. Not only the normal training for medical professionals can go on without any problem, but healthcare LMS is helping the patients to get access to legitimate data and information on their ailments. 

Safety compliance is an incredibly important thing right now, and to keep the pandemic at bay, medical professionals have to stay updated with the continuous new updates on the virus and what kind of sanitary measurements are needed in order to stay safe. And the integration of LMS in healthcare is the perfect solution to this. With their continuous systematic updates, LMS is at the technological helm of managing the pandemic and all its consequences. 

c. Manufacturing Industry

Pandemic or no pandemic, the manufacturing industry training has always been one of the most problematic matters. The problems with legacy systems, no organized methods of training, and skill gap have created a shortage of labor in the industry that is threatening to topple it over.

Digital transformation is taking over the manufacturing industry fast enough, and LMS, without any surprise, is a part of that transformation. Industry leaders are leveraging the LMS manufacturing system as not only a means to train and upskill the employees but also as a database system to keep training data, employee information safe and organized. It is also working as a way of upskilling employees to help them become better. 

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So, in what specific ways are the corporate agencies using this specific system? Don’t worry, we are going to shed some light on that on this next point.

Corporate LMS: A System For Corporates, But What More Is It?

In our time of developing and delivering learning management platforms for our clients, we have discovered many purposes for this system. The basic among these uses is, of course, the maintenance of the organization’s data related to employee training and online learning.

corporate learning management systems understanding

This data includes training modules, instructions as well as general/specialized information about the specific business and technical policy. The use of LMS in the corporate sector is now extremely favored, owing to its efficiency in employee training.

What once used to be an in-person process has changed and become online. Yet, Corporate LMS was considered to be “just a fancy tool” for most businesses.

However, as the CEO of a company, standing in the Pandemic era, I can testify that LMS for corporate training is needed. Today it is the must-have tool for the growth of any organization. But just saying that is not going to be enough. So let me elaborate on the topic of LMS uses in the corporate sector during COVID-19 and why it is necessary for business growth.

Corporate Learning Management System: A Pandemic Necessity

Call it a Corporate training management system, or corporate LMS systems, the purpose of the system remains the same. But is it necessary for the business? Well, we did some research, and if we follow the stats, then the answer is yes, it is important.

According to a survey conducted by the American Society for Training and Development, companies are enjoying income as high as 218% for every well-trained employee, and a 24% boost in the profit margins.

corporate learning management systems work from homeThe Coronavirus crisis has presented the corporate sector with unique challenges. With the workforce having to adjust to a work from home culture, companies are having to embrace new and modern ways of dealing with things, and LMS is one of those modern ways.

And that’s why we think that having a functional LMS system integrated into the mainframe of the organization is more necessary than ever!  

Here is a detailed look at why each and every important corporate learning management systems feature adds value to the business and becomes indispensable with time.

1. HR Department Gets An Extra Edge

There’s no doubt that this pandemic has made it hard for the HR division of any company to function normally. The HR handles data regarding employees, employee onboarding, their tasks, and responsibilities, etc. and in this scenario, having an integrated LMS for corporate training can be really helpful for the HR.

Pro Tip: Just as Corporate LMS is necessary, so is knowing how to use it. So when implementing the system, make sure to have a test course that talks about how to make the most of the system.

LMS for employee training with rich data tracking and management features, the HR can stay on top of how employees are functioning and provide help to the ones who are falling behind due to unique circumstances. As a division that to a large extent deals with employee data, integration of this system has definitely become the need of the hour. Not to mention, with the integration of this unique system, the employees will have less room for human error.

2. Data Security And LMS: A Surprising Corporate Twist

I think we are all aware of the security crisis every enterprise is going through during this time.

Thanks to Pandemic, employees are now forced to work from home, which means that the security calibration for business data is failing no matter what kind of company we are talking about.

In such a case, is using corporate learning management systems a good idea? When it comes to matters of business data protection, it is always better to have a custom made solution, in this case, a corporate LMS.

There are plenty of security features on e-learning platforms for companies to keep up with the rising need for security measures. Let’s look at a few select features and how they are going to make data safer.

Data Encryption:

With advanced encryption standards, LMS for corporate training can ensure that the data transmitted from one device to another is safe. Data transcription is crucial and must-have feature on any LMS. with these features hackers would not be able to access the business training modules and data.

Password Authentication:

Forgetting or mistyping passwords is everyone’s problem. Because of this, having a password authentication and resetting feature is going to be crucial. It will save the integrity of the data on the platform.

Registering From A Specific Domain:

Rather than using personal accounts, the employees will have to with their work accounts, which mostly is part of a bigger domain system safely held by the company.

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This makes it easier for the company to manage the security of the system, and maintain who has access to the data and who doesn’t.

3. Time For The Employees To Level Up!

We have already talked once about how beneficial it is to invest in staff training. Let’s talk about some more benefits and why corporate LMS systems are especially helpful during this pandemic scenario.

benefits of corporate learning management systems

With a custom solution, organizations can design modified course modules and chapters. And during the pandemic scenario, investing in LMS is going to be even more important. While the business has slowed down, staff members can take time to get better learned so that when business picks up again, the organization can handle challenging tasks.

4. Employee Orientation Becomes Seamless with Corporate Learning Management Systems

There’s no denying the fact that staff direction happens to be one of the most important parts of hiring new people. With the right process, organizations can bring down the employee churn ratio and get the ROI earlier than many other competitions. And at a time when all our normal ways of working have been suspended, corporate LMS happens to be the only savior when it comes to staff onboarding.

Bonus Point: Often just remote learning will not be enough. You need to recognize the areas and provide blended training (remote and in-person) to the employees to help them succeed.

With seamless course design and module arrangement, workers will be able to keep up with organization policies, updates on products, and various other information. This makes it easier for new staff members to stay on top of their orientations and increase familiarity with the organization’s information on the learning management platform.

5. Product Training Used To Be Easy, Now It Is Easier

For this point let’s consider a scenario-

Ryan has just joined a company that sells ready-made software solutions to manufacturing companies.

And he has to sell a data tracking and pattern detecting software to one of the clients. But he has one problem- he doesn’t know enough about the product to convince the client.

Ryan could’ve just contacted a superior and get the information he needs. But information like these is not easily transferable through the normal mode of contact. There are matters of data security to be concerned about. And that’s why an LMS with individual modules on individual products is necessary so that employees like Ryan can find out the information needed on the go.

And that’s where the benefits of corporate LMS systems integration comes in. With individual modules on every product the organization sells, employees can learn about product details easily on the go. And At a time when everyone is having communication problems, an LMS is going to be important to instruct employees like Ryan on new products to increase sales.

6. Reaching Out To Channel Partners Without Any Roadblocks

If big enough organizations it is natural to have partners. These partners are the retailers and selling merchants who will distribute the product in the wider market out there. Training them about the company’s selling policies, products, and development/manufacturing tidbits is an important part.

Previously this was possible by sending instructors out to the channel partner’s companies. There’s no need to mention that this is kind of impossible right now. Yet the need to grow business through partnership remains the same (if not increased).

Pro Tip: When designing your own course material and product training journal on the system, keep in mind that it needs to be an educational journey, not a bland course to forget about. So make the content easy to understand, memorable, yet impactful.

And that’s why the development of a Corporate LMS is necessary for the companies today, to train the channel partners. Through video conferences, integrated messaging, and message boards, you can go a long way to train channel partners. Inform them about new policies and products. The online process will help the partners know more about the product to be sold in the market, and correspond with each other seamlessly.

7. Tracking the learning development of employees

Prior to the home quarantine measures, tracking staff progress was more of an in-person task. With weekly evaluations, conversations, and work progress it was easy to see how a worker is progressing with the training.

Now it is a bit harder. There’s no way of comprehensive hands-on evaluation of staff members. But rich tracking and reporting features can easily find out how an employee is progressing on the corporate training management system. Added to this an automated reporting feature will create reports of staff’s progress on a regular basis, helping management to keep up with it.

8. Cost Reduction = More Revenues

Whenever it comes to integrating new technology, clients become concerned with the entire cost. And it is indeed a thing to be concerned about because when it comes to business finances, the proverb “Cut your coat according to your cloth” becomes applicable word by word.

In comparison to third party options, having a custom LMS is going to save a lot more money as well as offer a much safer way of training partners and staff members. It is a system that you can optimize to fit the best interest of the organization and therefore help it flourish even during the pandemic.

9. Increase Employee Bonding With Social Learning

Let’s talk about something important now.

corporate LMS and employee bonding

It is quite obvious that the bond among employees in any organization is of significance. It is what determines how the working environment in the office will be. This crucial part of every employee’s life is facing a roadblock today. And that’s why now a corporate LMS with strong social learning features is a necessity.

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With this worker training is not going to remain some serious and boring thing process it used to be. Colleagues can compete in a friendly way with quizzes and various fun activities that will enhance the social and technical skills. For a strong social environment at work, the business needs well designed corporate learning management systems.

10. Training And Efficiency Hand In Hand With Asynchronous Learning

Just like our school days, our ability (read intention) of sitting down for a set time frame. And learning is a matter of the past. And obviously, when you are at home for so long, your daily routine is now a little messed up. So in this case, it’ll be better to include an asynchronous learning feature on the corporate learning management systems.

It is convenient for employees to learn whenever they want. And also shows respect towards employee learning pace as well. This feature will allow the employees to resume where the training was paused, even on weekends. So when looking for a  web design company to develop a custom LMS, don’t forget to include this feature.

Wrapping up

The crisis everyone is facing has made it clear how the technologies thought to be ornamental are actually imperative. From video calling to LMS, all of these are now necessary requirements for the big to small corporations. And that’s why in order to stay afloat in this pandemic economy, the LMS integration might be the only way. Have more questions? Contact us and we’ll answer all of your corporate LMS questions.

corporate LMS


Pratip Biswas

Founder & CEO, Unified Infotech

"Pratip Biswas, founder and CEO of Unified Infotech, has driven the company to become a leader in next-gen digital transformation. He has a deep-rooted passion for technology and innovation. With his visionary approach and expertise, he has been transforming ideas into reality for entrepreneurs and businesses.”