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Conversion Rate Optimization: A Guide to Website and Mobile App Development Success

  • Santanu Mandal
  • Jul 25,2023
  • 12 minutes read
Increase Conversion Rates: A Guide to Website and Mobile App Development Success
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Ready to boost your conversion rates?

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In this new digital age where access to the internet has become a matter of regularity, interacting with brands and choosing the best out of them is getting more feasible. You may be a random brand in the digital business marketplace struggling to turn your visitors into loyal customers. This hints at the poor conversion rates of your mobile app or website. Don’t let your current situation decide your destiny. Get expert support from a top-notch web development company and take a step forward toward conversion rate optimization.

Before digging into the strategies to increase conversion rates, let’s talk about the term ‘Conversion Rates’.

What are Conversion Rates?

It is simply the percentage of the website or mobile app visitors who have taken action. This action can encompass a range of objectives tailored to the brand’s goals. For example, the actions may include downloading apps, requesting a service, placing orders, or subscribing to newsletters.

How to Check Conversion Rates of a Website and Mobile App

To calculate the conversion rate (%) of your website, divide the number of net conversions by the count of people who visited your website. Multiply the result by 100.

How to Check Conversion Rates of a Website and Mobile App - Unified Infotech

Note: Here, the term ‘number of net conversion’ indicates the ‘total number of sales’.

Whereas, for mobile app conversion, you have to check both the ‘In-app conversion’ and ‘App-store conversion’. Let’s check the formula mentioned below.

For the App Store conversion rate optimization, count the users who have downloaded your built app. Divide the same by the number of viewers who have viewed and ignored the app. Multiply the output by 100 and get the percentage.

Rate for App Store Conversion Formula

Measuring the In-App Conversion rate is the most essential aspect for an online brand. Knowing its percentage will tell you if your business is earning revenue or not. It is basically the rate of mobile app purchases. Use the below-given formula.

Conversion Rates of a Mobile App - Unified Infotech

A higher conversion rate signifies a greater proportion of visitors who have actively engaged in the defined action, indicating the effectiveness and appeal of the digital platform. In marketing, conversion increases with users or visitors starting to respond to the CTAs. 

With every conversion, you, as a brand, become more credible. Hence, the conversion rate decides the brand’s degree of success.

Why Do Positive Conversion Rates Matter?

An improved conversion rate and positive conversions are crucial indicators in assessing the performance and effectiveness of your website. The same context applies for mobile-app conversion. By closely monitoring and striving for a higher conversion rate, businesses can gauge the overall success and impact of their website, optimize user experiences, and ultimately enhance their bottom line.

Furthermore, positive conversion matters for the following reasons.

Importance of Positive Conversion Rate Unified Infotech

But, do you know what is the basis behind a poor conversion rate? If you don’t, then, here is some possible scenario that it undergoes. 

Websites with a low conversion rate may take a long time to load. If it is for a mobile app, then probably your app takes a long time to get downloaded from the app store (iOS app store or Google Play store) or the users who have downloaded the app are not making in-app purchases. 

 If your website or mobile app falls short of the expected conversion rate, there is a 70% likelihood that there may be glitches or issues within the development and maintenance segments.

What Services Can Unified Infotech Offer in the Conversion Rate Optimization?

Before strategizing for the conversion rate, prioritize what you want to achieve. It will bring clarity to what you ask from your web design and development company.

If you are unsure, let’s give you a brief idea of what Unified Infotech can offer in terms of increasing your brand’s conversion rate.

What Services Can Unified Infotech Offer to Help Improve Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate Optimization Tips

Before strategizing for increasing conversion rates, you should know that it is more or less the same whether you want to increase conversion on your mobile app or website. All you need to focus on is what you want to achieve. 

Let’s check the proven strategies to boost conversion rates.

1. Optimize the Processing Speed

Think of a scenario where you visit a website or a mobile app and it takes more than a few seconds to load the entire page. How would you feel? Would you still stay on the page or would you just look for some other alternatives? 

It is obvious that you would immediately close the app or website and look elsewhere for what you have been looking for. As per Google Consumer Insights, 53% of mobile sites visitors will abandon the page if the load time is longer than three seconds.

The processing speed of the web page plays an important role in this regard. It influences user satisfaction and engagement, impacting the conversion rate. Hence, you should optimize the processing speed.

What you can do is –

  • Make sure to use the relevant API calls as every API call will take a certain time to perform the operations. So, stuffing in unnecessary API calls isn’t worth it. Is it?
  • Reduce the image size as much as possible. You won’t want to lose your potential customers for just an image. Isn’t it? 
  • Eliminate animations from your website or mobile app, if not needed.

2. Make the First Positive Impression

How would you perceive a website or an app if it uses variant colors on its landing page and has no consistency in its overall layout? You won’t trust the brand. Right? Yes, this is true because the brand fails to make a first impression, lowering the conversion rates.

If you have an online presence and want to increase your conversion rate, you must take note of the below-mentioned factors that focus on improving the first impression.

  • Make it a point to highlight the value-adding elements. For instance, ask your web design and web development partners to focus on the designing and placement of CTAs. Data reveals that people take 50 milliseconds to perceive a brand as credible and trustworthy. So, take the best strategy to establish the first impression. 
  • Incorporate compelling content rather than long confusing one. Don’t confuse the visitors with complicated word choices. No one will bother to search for the phrase or word meaning you would add to the app’s content. Instead, play with simple and commonly-used phrases. Yet ensure to effectively communicate your target message.

Take the first step towards higher conversion - Unified Infotech

3. Take the UX-first Approach toward Conversion Rate Optimization

The UX is the most crucial factor when you want to improve the conversion rate. Think of an instance, when a person visits your website or mobile app and then leaves your site getting confused about how to place an order.

What do you think about the experience they have with your app or website? Is it good or bad? Would they return to your website again? If all your answers to these questions direct to a negative side, then, going forward, your app would have a poor conversion rate. 

So, you need to work on the overall user experience. 

To maximize the user experience, you can follow the psychological theory of Maslow, where the given image below highlights the specification of a user interface that tends to meet the needs of visitors.

highlights the specification of a user interface that tends to meet the needs of visitors

The ‘functionality’ and the ‘information’ factor are the two most basic needs that you must attain to go forward motivating the visitors to stay for long and take the desired action. 

Unified Infotech, a reputed web development company in NYC increases the functionality of the website or mobile app through prioritizing a consistent performance uptime. On the other hand, they maintain the ‘information’ factor by enhancing the usability of the application.

4. Get Rid of Irrelevant Form Fields

You may embed forms on your mobile app or website to collect data from users or ask them to subscribe to your newsletter. This may frustrate your users, forcing them to leave the app. 

You should keep in mind that people are not visiting your site to fill out forms. So, if you want to collect data through forms, you need to engage your users and make the first impression right. Don’t force them to fill out forms but make your product and service so valuable that they want to fill it out to get future updates from you. 

You can consider the following practices to ensure that people take action and it increases your conversion. 

  • Reduce the friction by shortening the form field. Add the fields only which seem to be relevant (such as first name, last name, email-id and contact information). 
  • Don’t use vibrant colors. You can go for a monochromatic color tone. It will render a professional look.
  • Place the survey form such that it does not cover the main content.

5. Emphasize Content Localization

Conveying the target message in the local verse can help you reach more audience. For instance, you want to target the USA audience but develop your content in German language. With this strategy, neither you can convert your visitors, nor you can perform better in local searches.

A recent study by observed that 76% of users make purchases only if the website content is in their native language. This validates the importance of ‘content localization’ for higher conversion.

Let’s say you want to sell a pen with the content in two different languages.

  • The first one is in English: “This pen will give you a smooth writing experience”.
  • The other one is in French: “Cette plume vous offrira une expérience d’écriture fluide.”

As an english speaker, would you spare time visiting websites with the second content? Probably not. But what if there was a translation option available, allowing users to read the content in their preferred language?

Boost your conversions CTA Unified Infotech

6. Optimizing the Quality of Landing Page

Whether you want to increase your brand conversion or make the first impression, you must improve the quality of your landing page. As per a Gartner survey, about 48% of visitors leave websites or mobile applications attributing to a poor experience of the landing page. They refuse to engage with any brand collateral further. 

If you place an irrelevant pop-up on your landing page, would your visitors pay a heed to look further? Surely not. Rather, present the most engaging element you own as a brand in the first place. Give your visitor a reason to stay and explore your products or services. 

Consider the following practices for optimizing landing pages and boost conversion.

  • Add trustworthy elements like customer testimonials, success stories and the earned badges. 
  • Add Visuals like infographics and demo videos.
  • Highlight services or products offered.

7. Implement Social Proofs

As per Wikipedia, social proof is the psychological factor. It makes a person do the same thing as performed by some collective group. Social proof is a parameter which makes a person believe whether an action is wrong or right.

It fits the most valid scenario for online buying. It is quite common now-a-days that customers make buying decisions based on the reviews and ratings from other buyers. Therefore, it validates that adding social proof is an excellent way of boosting conversion. 

Best practices to add social proof to your website or mobile app are mentioned below.

  • Make it count with showcasing the client’s association. Notice how the Unified Infotech’s team has highlighted the association of the organization with their clients on the landing page. They have also mentioned one of their recognitions as a brand.

Unified Infotech Clientele - Unified Infotech

  • Validate your Standpoint based on Real-Time Data. Here is an instance, how you can showcase the business data and add CTA buttons immediately following it. This strategy will definitely help increase the conversion of your website. 

8. Simplify the Payment or Subscription Steps

It is not just that you want your visitors to visit your website or mobile app but want them to take certain actions. It may be to subscribe for newsletters or buy your products or services. Isn’t it?

If you make these things complicated, you cannot attain the conversion rate that you have been aiming for. Therefore, developers must integrate popular payment gateway solutions with their app or website leaving no room for customer complaints. On the other hand, designers should make an emphasis on the buttons that would direct visitors to the payment page. 

The more seamless it gets, the possibility of increasing the would be more.

Other prominent practices that you can add for a smooth checkout are given below.

  • Adding guest check out features so that visitors can skip the option of registering themselves as members. 
  • Use vibrant colors for any newsletter subscription segment. Make it accessible.
  • Make different payment modes (EMI, CoD and other online payment modes) available for customers.

9. Track Your Visitor’s Interaction

The most strategic way to increase conversion is to understand the interaction of customers across all touchpoints. When you assess the user behavior, you can be assured of what actions to take and what not to take.

A web development company considers user recording, heatmaps and website analytics to get insights into the frictions, how visitors interact with the website. This lets them unveil the scope of improvement.

Optimizing conversion rate is a continuous process. You need to be flexible such that you can refine the existing strategies based on the user feedback. Make it a point to monitor whether the applied strategies are working in your favor or not. It will help improve your mobile app and website’s performance.

Achieve Conversion Excellence With Our Web Development Service

Final Thoughts

The conversion rate holds major significance in online marketing and user experience optimization, serving as a performance indicator for businesses to evaluate the success and impact of their online presence. By analyzing and enhancing conversion rates, organizations can strategically refine their approaches, optimize user experiences, and ultimately drive meaningful business outcomes.


Santanu Mandal

Project Manager

"Santanu Mandal, Project Manager at Unified Infotech, leads with precision and dedication to deliver successful projects. He is not just a tech enthusiast but also a complex problem solver. With a focus on detail, Santanu ensures projects meet and exceed expectations.”