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Can Cloud Migration Lead to Business Transformation? A Brief Overview

  • Pratip Biswas
  • Jul 27,2016
  • 6 minutes read
Cloud Migration
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The usage of storage has moved beyond personal purposes today. It is slowly making an entry in the corporate world and is making a significant contribution to an all round development in the information technology sector. Leveraging the multiple benefits of cloud computing, organizations are moving towards adopting advanced technologies, which is leading them towards a rapid phase of web design and development.

Switching to cloud enables an enterprise to deploy applications faster, respond to the customer requirements and meet with their growing demands; at the same time, it can also respond to any opportunity. In fact, a survey done by KPMG found out that 42% respondents wanted to use cloud to improve their workforce, whereas 37% of them wanted to use it to communicate clearly with their clientele.

Shifting the underlying servers to the cloud might cause a discrepancy in the user experience, but this will definitely be fruitful in the long-term. Currently, Saas (Software as a Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) are the happening services in the industry, but now the trend is currently shifting towards the Paas (Platform as a Service) model.

The spectacular benefit that Cloud has offered to the corporate sector is noteworthy.

Necessity Of Cloud In Today’s Changing Business Scenario 

Cloud computing is more than a necessity to a business house today. Integrating it with the functionalities of a company is thus necessary, but how does it produce the fruits of benefits for your business is really a matter of concern. Now, let us see how cloud computing is like a golden egg put in a farmer’s basket for a business.

Flexible To Use

Apart from cost cutting, an important concern that bothers large organizations is to increase their capability and operations in order to cater to the demands of customers. Opting for a cloud architecture reduces the hassle of using physical servers to transfer data easily. One doesn’t need to depend on the applications or software anymore. The scale of operations can easily go up once you opt for the cloud services.

Faster Deployments

Though the use of cloud might not have a direct impact on the performance of the application but one can realize the benefit of them very easily. Now, one can create environments much faster. This will be beneficial for the developers as they can devote their time to productive work. Cloud Applications are meant to ease the process of web development.

Less Dependency On Servers

‘Cloud,’ the name itself signifies huge storage whether it is about storing sensitive information of the organization or any other important documents. One can cut down administrative expenses to a large extent in the data center, redeploy servers which previously hosted applications but have now moved to a shared model basis. Whether you want to develop or test a mobile application, Cloud computing is just the perfect choice.

Reduce Manpower

The robustness of cloud computing is such that it reduces almost half the size of the manpower. Since the number of servers is reduced, it requires lesser manpower to be deployed which ultimately leads to cost cutting. So, if your’s is a company which is planning to make cuts in the manpower, then cloud computing is the ultimate solution.

By now, you must have come to know the role of cloud in today’s emerging business. It would not be wrong to say that cloud migration leads to business transformation.

Don’t Make These Mistakes While Migrating To Cloud

While migrating your business to cloud computing, it is very obvious that you might make some mistakes that might not be intentional. We do not want that you should commit the same mistakes and will, therefore, let you know those mistakes so that you can avoid them.

At first, it is important for you to know what type of cloud is your organization going to use. Remember, there are four types of clouds that one uses.

1. Private: This is made for private organizations and can be built either on site or off site. Such type of cloud services offer infrastructure services and virtualized applications.

2. Public: Such cloud computing services can be accessed by anybody and is normally owned by a third party.

3. Hybrid: They are a combination of private and public. While an organization can maintain all their data in the private cloud, on the other hand, it also provides access to other cloud computing services as well, which can be accessed by anybody.

4. Community: This is shared by a number of companies within the same industry. Any expenses related to the cloud are distributed within the users. A community cloud is hosted normally by third parties.

Now, that you are accustomed to the kinds of clouds available, let’s delve deeper and know about the mistakes which one does while migrating to the cloud.

Mistake 1: Selling Off Existing Hardware

Once you have shifted to the cloud, you normally tend to throw them off or remove it entirely from your office premises, but this is a wrong thing to do. The market for used computers is worth $300 billion, so why not earn some revenue?

Mistake 2: Shifting All Apps To Cloud

Migrating to the cloud doesn’t mean that you will have to shift all your apps to the cloud. It depends on the industry and its requirements, which decide whether they are to be migrated to the cloud, or not. A healthcare organization in the case should study their requirement first and then decide whether to shift their app to the cloud or not.

Mistake 3: Not Making The Apps ‘Cloud-Ready

Is your app cloud ready? this is the first question which you must decide while shifting to the cloud. Make sure that your apps run equally well on the cloud server like the way it runs in an in-house data center by accessing the entire computing power.

Mistake 4: Not Doing Your Homework

You have to be aware of the IT requirements of a cloud before you go for it. Once you are confident about your infrastructure and usages, then you can decide which cloud you want to go for – Private, Public or Community.

Mistake 5: Not Paying Attention To Big Data

Big enterprises are often skeptical about the large chunk of information they have in their database. The problem arises at that time when the size of data exceeds terabytes. Well, the solution, in this case, is to transfer all such data to the cloud.

Keeping these five things in mind will make you aware of the various strategies you should adopt in order to avoid the mistakes.

If you are not able to manage the cloud operations of your business, then you can rely on us. All you have to do is just drop a mail to us at with your requirement and we will contact you.


Pratip Biswas

Founder & CEO, Unified Infotech

"Pratip Biswas, founder and CEO of Unified Infotech, has driven the company to become a leader in next-gen digital transformation. He has a deep-rooted passion for technology and innovation. With his visionary approach and expertise, he has been transforming ideas into reality for entrepreneurs and businesses.”