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AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud

  • Pratip Biswas
  • Oct 06,2017
  • 5 minutes read
website development services
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Newcomers may only look at the cost for their website development services while choosing a cloud platform for their project. But many different businesses need diverse requirements before making the final call. We are here to help you to give you a clear perspective on three major cloud platforms.

There are three major players in the market: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Each cloud service offers competitive price, excellent feature-set, often turned out quite tricky for business owners to choose from these three. This helps small business to grow and expand easily, as well as big business to capitalize on the growth. Cloud computing has solely altered how the technology works. Anyone can host their website on the cloud now, manage their files, and do stuff not that was not possible before. Big business also takes full benefit of cloud computing.

Why Cloud is Important for Small and Big Business Players?

It is essential to comprehend why cloud computing is basic for the present market before we plunge profound into the real comparisons.

Cloud computing empowers organizations to disregard keeping up a framework. Numerous large organizations, for example, LiveEdu, Netflix, and Spotify take the full preferred standpoint of the cloud and by doing so, they don’t need to stress over the details that go into keeping up a cloud. Likewise, they don’t need to stress over the framework, empowering them to concentrate on what they specialize in: give their support of the group of audience.

Independent venture can likewise exploit cloud and concentrate on building up their product and not the framework that is required to make them operational.

Who’s who?

Amazon Web Services (AWS): With 11 years in operation, AWS is one of the most established players in the cloud market. Their processing services are broad and cover critical cloud segments, for example, organization, mobile networking, and so on. Amazon oversees AWS.

Microsoft Azure: Azure is additionally 6 years of age and has demonstrated extraordinary appreciation in the market. They can without much of a stretch be related with the pioneer bunch in the market with AWS. Azure likewise give a total arrangement of cloud services. Microsoft oversees Azure.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP): GCP began their adventure on October 6, 2011. With just 5 years in operation, they have made the great presence in the market. The underlying push was done to control their own services, for example, YouTube and Google. Later on, they assembled undertaking services and empowered anybody to have in the cloud. Google oversees GCP.

The Three-Way Battle Begins

We need to analyze these three platforms using different parameters. We will try to give a general outlook so that it can give you’re a clear idea. And which computing services can be used wisely.


Compute is the preparing power that the cloud services offer. All in all, the more figure control, the better. It is specifically relative to the cost, and henceforth cost likewise assumes a critical part in comprehension the process control offered by the three players.

How about we begin with AWS. They offer EC2(Elastic Compute Cloud) which handles all the figure services. It works by overseeing virtual machines which can either be designed by the proprietor or accompanies preconfigured settings for usability. In the examination, GCP offers GCE (Google Compute Engine) to do basically a similar thing. Our last contender, Microsoft Azure gives Virtual Machines and Virtual Machine Scale Sets.


With regards to conveying your application, the area is imperative. You need to ensure that the application performs at its top by having the least conceivable course to the planned client base. Also, you need to ensure that you spend less cash with regards to utilizing these cloud services. That is correct, the costs vary as indicated by which district you are taking services from. Each of them three offer extraordinary scope all around the globe. Amazon stands out with 42 accessibility zones. Azure additionally has a decent scope with accessibility in 32 districts. GCP has a nearness crosswise over 33 nations. It ought to be noticed that new districts are included a general premise.


Database images from various merchants let you begin effectively. Google appears to need in giving a choice to the end client, though, Azure and AWS offer a decent measure of choice to work with. Amazon’s RDS (Relational Database Service) offers help for real databases including Oracle, PostgreSQL, and so forth. The administration oversees everything from refreshing to fixing even to offer answers for regular database issues.

Azure SQL database and Cloud SQL offers SQL database taking care of highlights for Azure and GCP separately. They additionally offer superior DB decisions, for example, DocumentDB for Azure, and Aurora for AWS. Obviously, there are various types of tools and services offered by the significant specialist providers.


Last, yet not the slightest is the documentation. Documentation assumes an imperative part with regards to picking the cloud stage for yourself or your organization. Convenience is a substantial factor and ought not to be disregarded by any stretch of the imagination.

AWS offers the best documentation, took after nearly by Azure and GCP. AWS documentation is manufactured on account of its age and commitment from numerous individuals over 10 years.


In exceptionally wide terms, AWS keeps on driving the route as far as offering the most extensive scope of usefulness and development. It keeps on being the reasonable market pioneer, yet the gap is closing.

Its far-reaching rundown of devices and services, alongside its venture neighborly highlights, make it a solid recommendation for substantial associations. In the meanwhile, its colossal and constantly developing framework gives economies of scale that empower forceful value cuts.

In any case, it creates the impression that Microsoft has begun to cross over any barrier between the two, and will keep on doing so with its progressing interest in working out the Azure cloud stage and further plans to fortify ties with its on-introduce software.


Pratip Biswas

Founder & CEO, Unified Infotech

"Pratip Biswas, founder and CEO of Unified Infotech, has driven the company to become a leader in next-gen digital transformation. He has a deep-rooted passion for technology and innovation. With his visionary approach and expertise, he has been transforming ideas into reality for entrepreneurs and businesses.”