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6 Statistics to Effectively Guide Your B2B Web Design Strategy

  • Pratip Biswas
  • Jun 09,2017
  • 5 minutes read
Web Design
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When it comes to the B2B world, irrespective of what industry you operate in, a professional web design is always the heart of a marketing strategy. A B2B website is the landing place for the e-mail campaign, digital ads, direct mailers, social media advertising, and everyday communications.

If you still don’t have a B2B web design strategy by a professional web design company prepared for your firm, it’s the high time to place once. You may confuse between the right time for a website redesign or start bidding out website development. Check out at these six statistics which will help you determine in your web design strategy.

Be Mobile-minded

Not long ago, you just expected to consider how a website showed on a desktop PC. At that point, mobile devices picked up prevalence (and usefulness), so website specialists began making portable amicable adaptations of sites to show on mobile phones. At that point, there was a move to responsive website architecture that served up an interpretation of the site contingent on the device the user was on: desktop, laptop, tablet, or cell phone. Indeed, as five years back, professional sites fabricated for mobile users that weren’t enhanced either. Or, on the other hand, versatile adaptations of the site where worked as an idea in retrospect to the primary desktop rendition. This is not the case any longer. Today, all B2B website designs ought to work with the mobile user in mind.

Adoption Rate

95% of American own a cell phone of some kind. The more interesting fact is that 77% of Americans owns a smartphone. So, they can access the internet and websites from their cell phones.

All-Device Experience

The mobile-first is not the only option for a strong B2B web design. As following the present trends, focusing on the mobile user’s experience is the key factor. Though, we argue that a desktop or laptop user’s experience is equally important. And it’s also significant to know that half of the client’s website traffic particularly in B2B come from non-mobile devices.

You don’t need to take our word on that. Recent reports say that 83% of global consumers report on multiscreen behavior. They used an average of 2.23 devices at the same time.

Communicate with Design

The outline of your B2B site says a great deal in regard to your firm. Is it sending the correct message? On the off chance that your site is over three years of age, it’s worth asking the question. Brands develop after some time and it’s important that the focal segment of your showcasing methodology, your B2B site, reflects that advancement. Also, your objective market needs your site to be all around composed and decent to take a look at.

Thinks about have archived that 59% of worldwide purchasers would rather draw in with web content that is delightfully planned instead of outlined. (Adobe, 2015)

As the above statistic shows, it’s basic that your firm doesn’t hold back on the plan of a site. If you are searching for customers with a base lifetime engagement of $10,000 + with your firm, put that much or more in the plan of an expert site.

Site Performance Matters

Design matters, yet site execution is the first step. On the off chance that site guests baffled with to what extent your site takes to load and leave before it loads, at that point, the plan has fizzled. The speed of a site has turned out to be increasingly basic to the client encounter, especially for mobile users.

Actually, 53% of mobile users will forsake a site that takes longer than three seconds to stack.

This can be separated assist by how much the bounce rate increases as the load time increments:

The more it takes your B2B website architecture to stack, the more potential clients you are losing. Your website design strategy ought to incorporate specialized segments for expanding the speed of your site and diminishing load time.

SEO: Your Competition Is Doing It

Presently, there is a considerable measure of awesome motivations to incorporate search engine optimization (SEO) in with your B2B website technique: expanded perceivably, a superior client encounter, enhanced activity, and focusing on the correct market. Another extraordinary motivation to execute SEO is because it is basic for staying focused in many ventures. A hefty portion of your rivals have actualized SEO on their sites, so it’s fundamental that you are likewise upgrading your company’s site. You would prefer not to disregard SEO just to watch all the movement from your objective market go to your rival.

Remember that SEO isn’t just about keywords either, it’s about streamlining the coding and show the usefulness of your site. As we have specified in past sites on SEO, Google and other search engines have expressed that site improved for mobile will perform better in inquiries.

A current overview found that 62% of B2B advertisers have advanced their brand’s blog for mobile with a specific end goal to enhance SEO. (SocialMediaExaminer, 2016)

For B2B advertisers, regardless of whether in aggressive spaces or pleasant ventures, SEO is fundamental to getting before a prospect when they are searching for your products or services. Search engine optimization ought to incorporate with all effective website techniques.

Many B2B (Business-to-business) companies are now successfully getting great results using digital marketing tactics like PPC, SEO landing page creation, e-mail marketing, and social media linked to a CRM marketing automation system or a modest email auto-response system.


Pratip Biswas

Founder & CEO, Unified Infotech

"Pratip Biswas, founder and CEO of Unified Infotech, has driven the company to become a leader in next-gen digital transformation. He has a deep-rooted passion for technology and innovation. With his visionary approach and expertise, he has been transforming ideas into reality for entrepreneurs and businesses.”