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Successful Social Media Marketing Campaign

  • Pratip Biswas
  • Jun 08,2017
  • 6 minutes read
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Social media plays a very significant role for businesses around the world. With most of the business investing in social media marketing campaigns, it is starting difficult to get your voice heard. Especially, with so much noise around, the competition is very high and it takes something unique to have a chance at succeeding. The signal-to-noise ratio isn’t going well to the entrepreneur and the guides are also lacking. Here are some obvious but rarely followed tips for a successful SMM campaign.

1. Set a Solid Goal

Many people take social media strategy as “we must plan every Facebook post and tweet on regular basis”. Social media stands as a form of communication that connects the brand to the person. Ask yourself these questions to create your campaign strategy:

• Who is my audience?

• What is my campaign objective?

• Which social networks are the best fit for this campaign or contest?

• How will this campaign fit into my overall SMM strategy?

• How will I measure success?

A great strategy consists of planning around the event and what quotient you can show to your audience. It is also important to understand that you won’t draw followers without the apt content or event. For example, younger followers may use Instagram over Twitter or Facebook.

2. Choose Your Channels Carefully

There are many social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, Snapchat, Pinterest, LinkedIn etc.  But using every platform will get you nowhere! You need to think carefully about the brand’s objective and choose which social media will do best in terms of use and audience. Start with Facebook or Twitter, whichever suits you best. You can add another one to the mix if needed later.

3. Engage With Your Campaign’s Participants

Engaging with your participants is one of the most important things you can do to excel in your campaign’s social ROI. As the audience begin to post comments and content with your hashtag, give a close attention and do “like” and “comment” on all submissions. Moreover, when audience notice your brand is engaging with real people, they will depend on your brand value. It also helps to authenticate your social presence and humanize your brand.

4. Optimal Time For Post

You need to consider the best time for posting your content in order to engage maximum users. Depending on your business objective niche and geographical location, the proper time will get the most engagement for your post. You can have followers from all over the world and you need to consider different time zones for promotion. Weekends are a perfect time as people use social media platforms the most. Not only you need to chalk out the best time for the posting on social media platform, but also concentrate on the content. So, your post doesn’t disappear into the air due to lack of engagement.

5. Visual and Video Marketing

You hardly come across any Facebook post with an image as visual marketing has become more trending in the past couple of years. You must use interesting, attractive, and engaging images to allure your followers. Attractive visuals always receive some kind of feedback from the users.

Present trends show that video marketing becomes very popular and it deserved a special mention. It is quite noticeable at which rate the trend of video marketing has been growing. It is essential that you should use good and high-quality content videos in your SMM campaign.

6. Create A Campaign-specific Landing Page

Your social media marketing campaign sometimes involves driving traffic to a particular page on the website to take a particular action. The action can include filling out a web form or availing any offers etc. then be sure to make a landing page. The very effort comforts your visitors and they are assured to visiting the correct website. Sending your visitors to homepage can confuse them as they may wonder where to go next. Try to make it as simple as possible for your visitors and your conversion rate will soar.

7. Add Contacts to Your Social CRM

Utilizing a social CRM like Nimble you can see the majority of the discussions occurring around your campaign from one dashboard – regardless of what system the social prattle is occurring on. At that point utilizing your social CRM’s deals and marketing automation tools, you can transform your social group into customers forever.

8. Deal With Trolls

If your business is going effectively, there will undoubtedly be a couple negative and abusive remarks from time to time. How you follow up on them will truly figure out your identity as a person. Some of the time they ought to be answered to with obligingness to guarantee them that you are accomplishing something to determine their issue; Sometimes you have to expel the remarks and now and again, if the individual is a genuine troll, you have to block that individual. Be that as it may, never react to negative remarks with impoliteness. That will be lethal to your brand.

9. Measure Success

Social media can be all the time separated into analytical definitions – retweets, answers, engagements (i.e., on the off chance that somebody read the post, Twitter’s advertising section can let you know), mentions (where somebody has essentially said the name of the organization). All that you compose via social media can look at through cutting edge social media examination, which is at present sending some not very moral web-based social networking individuals into a tantrum. Concentrate more on genuine actual mentions and replies versus retweets, for instance, as articles by huge tech write frequently get many fake records retweeting them. If somebody’s answering and having a discussion? That is significantly more valuable.

10. Build A Contact Database

Do you have somebody who’s a major customer, who consistently speaks with you yet isn’t a major social media user? Try to watch out for anything they do socially and answer, retweet, and engage. A contact list isn’t the same in social media – it’s about which of your followers are most critical to you, which may not imply that they have the most elevated measure of followers or tweets. Capture customer information in light of their adherent check additionally focuses on what they’re stating, who they’re stating it to (and who tails them), which might be significantly more powerful than just supporter tally alone. You can give them unique rebates impromptu, or welcome them to select premium newsletters that not everybody gets included with.


Pratip Biswas

Founder & CEO, Unified Infotech

"Pratip Biswas, founder and CEO of Unified Infotech, has driven the company to become a leader in next-gen digital transformation. He has a deep-rooted passion for technology and innovation. With his visionary approach and expertise, he has been transforming ideas into reality for entrepreneurs and businesses.”