How We Help Solar Installers

DIN assists in preparing and submitting permit applications for solar projects. They will get the permit ready solar plan sets with engineering stamps.

Service Turnaround Time

This is achieved through fast turnaround time, least revision.

Permit Success Rate

We aim for a high permit success rate by meticulously preparing accurate permit documentation and navigating regulatory requirements effectively.

Permit Approval Time

Our goal is to minimize permit approval time, ensuring swift regulatory approval and accelerating project timelines for our clients

Client Satisfaction Score

We prioritize client feedback and strive to maintain high levels of satisfaction by delivering quality designs, providing excellent support, and exceeding client expectations.

Efficiency in Design Process

We focus on optimizing workflows, leveraging software tools effectively, and maximizing productivity to deliver high-quality designs in a timely manner

Service Areas

We offer a suite of specialized services tailored to streamline the permitting process and optimize project outcomes

Solar Permit Plan

Includes site plan, structural plan and electrical diagram with calculations.

Site Survey

Provide a visual representation of the solar array's elevation, orientation, tilt angle, and shading analysis through different designer tools.

Sales Proposal

We do detailed financial analysis, accurate performance predictions, and compelling visuals using various design tools.

Structural and Electrical calculations

We have a large network of PE engineers that perform structural and electrical calculations to ensure the proper operation of the solar system.


Generate as-built drawings that accurately reflect the final installed configuration of the solar energy system after construction is completed


Quick turnaround times and accurate accuracy will help you meet your project deadlines and assure compliance for successful solar installations.

Expertise in Solar Permit Design

Team of skilled engineers who have extensive experience and expertise in the solar industry.

Fast Turnaround Time

Stringent SLA driven operations without compromising on quality.

Accuracy and Compliance

Accuracy and compliance with regulatory requirements in all permit documentation

Cost-Effective Solutions

Provide cost-effective drafting solutions that help clients optimize their project budgets and maximize value.