DIN’s Navigational Content Creation Expertise

DIN provides comprehensive navigation design services aimed at enhancing safety and driving experiences. Utilizing high-resolution aerial and satellite imagery, alongside meticulous grid
alignment and accurate dimension capture, we ensure precise navigation map data. Our expertise focuses on delivering complete geo-content without the need for field surveys,
supporting global organizations in creating flawless navigation experiences.

  • Precise 2D building footprints from high-res images.
  • Detailed building data attribution.
  • Accurate bases, hollow parts, and intersections.
  • Experience with large data volumes.
  • Remote Data capture capabilities.
  • Expertise in creating detailed indoor building plans.
  • Real-time path mapping for optimal route finding.
  • Comprehensive unit attribution and amenities demarcation.
  • Geo-referencing for accurate indoor navigation.
  • Extensive experience with large public and private buildings.
  • Extensive experience in enhancing mapping and navigation data.
  • Addition of relevant attributes from high-resolution imagery and crowdsourcing.
  • Expertise in data conflation and precise cartographic representation.
  • Thorough cleansing and validation of road network geometry.
  • Ability to optimize geo-content usability through feature adjustments.

Why choose DIN for Mapping & Navigation Solutions

DIN stands as a premier choice for Mapping and Navigation Design services, offering robust solutions tailored to enhance safety and navigation experiences worldwide. Our expertise in leveraging high-resolution aerial and satellite imagery, combined with meticulous grid alignment and dimension capture, ensures unparalleled accuracy in navigation map data.

  • Utilizes high-resolution imagery for precise mapping and navigation solutions.
  • Offers 2D building footprints digitization, indoor mapping, and geo-content data
  • Extensive experience in handling large data volumes and remote data capture
  • Tailored solutions to meet specific needs, including detailed attribution and real-time path mapping
  • Ensures thorough validation and correction of road network geometry, optimizing
    usability and accuracy

Our Other Services




Utility Mapping